

Registration/Continental Breakfast


Summit Kick Off & Introductions   


CVIT One Year Later


Keynote Speaker – Shaka Senghor, Writing My Wrongs



Morning Breakout Sessions   



Lunch Provided


Amplifying Community Voice



Afternoon Breakout Sessions



Closing Remarks

 Washtenaw County Violence Intervention Team 

Spring Summit 


The Washtenaw County Community Violence Intervention Team (CVIT) has been working to educate  ourselves, our community, our service providers, our police, and our municipal leaders on the nature of  violence in our community and the solutions needed to save lives and end the perpetuation of  intentional violent deaths (shooting, stabbing, assault) in our county. What began as a group of  individuals concerned with violence became a cohesive team, singularly focused on eradicating street level violence that results in death. 

Even though the concept of saving a life is something everyone can agree on, the mechanisms to  achieve such a goal are not easily agreed upon. The process of developing a cohesive, singularly focused message, where we all push in the same direction was intentional as outlined in the four priorities  below.  

1. Common Understanding Based in Fact: As a team, we initially read the book Bleeding Out, by  Thomas Abt. Each week we would read a chapter, debrief, learn, and grow together. It spurred  conversation, provided common language, focused on data-driven solutions, taught us the  science behind gun violence, and illuminated the value of a balanced approach with  accountability and empathy.  

2. Lifting Community Voice: Each week we were able to learn from one another and place a  particular focus on those in the room and in our community with lived experience. Simply put,  those who perpetuated or who have been impacted by violence are the most important voices  at the table.  

3. Continuous Learning: We read about, watched, or met with leading experts from around the  country. This allowed us to learn from those doing the work and making real impact. 

4. Action Oriented: We did not meet just to meet. Each week, for 14-months and more recently  every other week for the last two years, we came together with specific action steps in mind and  left building piece-by-piece towards the ultimate goal of ending intentional violent death on our  streets.  

In 2023 the CVIT Spring Summit was our way of inviting the entire community into this process and  joining the fight to save lives by stopping gun violence. 2024 will build upon the original summit by  inviting more people to the table as we focus on our four priorities of common understanding, elevating  community voice, continuously learning, and being action oriented. 


• To learn together as a community 

• To publicly invest in the work so we hold ourselves and others accountable • For professional development across sectors 

• To learn how we can be more effective 

• To network with our peers, both locally and across the state 

• To invite more local partners and stakeholders to the CVIT table so more of us are involved • Coordination of existing efforts 

• To create energy, cohesion, and momentum for action 

• Share the great work being done so we understand our progress and know our limitations • Share data related to local and national efforts 


In the spring of 2024, we will host the 2nd annual CVIT summit here in Washtenaw County. The summit  will mimic the initial 14-month process of building a cohesive movement towards eliminating violence  on our streets.  

Step 1: Our community will commit to reading Writing My Wrongs by Shaka Senghor, holding  debrief sessions, and hosting the author at the summit.  

Step 2: The summit will consist of break-out sessions that focus on and lift up community voice while also bringing in leading experts from around the country.  

Step 3: Participants will leave with a unified voice across the various sectors in Washtenaw  County and follow up with specific plans of action related to the 14-point plan developed by the  CVIT and they will understand the tremendous progress made so far. 

Community Violence Intervention Team (CVIT) Recommendations


For more information on the CVIT contact

 Grieving Wall Mural Project 



When a young person is murdered in our community the impact of that loss can have a tremendous ripple effect on the family, friends, school, neighborhood, and larger community. When our young people do not have the opportunity or mechanisms to grieve, the trauma of losing someone can have major implications on their future. One small step we can take to help our community deal with and begin to heal is a community mural.  

The Grieving Wall Mural will be a place of reflection, remembrance, and reverence for those we have lost to violence.  


  • Begin a community healing process 

  • Allow our community to grieve 

  • Acknowledge and release the pain of loss 

  • Remember those we love and have lost 

  • Unify the community 

  • Call attention to the realities of community violence 

  • Create a safe haven within the community 

  • Give voice to those most impacted


  • Washtenaw County based 

  • Gun, stabbing, street violence 

  • Not domestic violence, not suicides and not overdose

If your loved one falls within the parameters mentioned above and you would love their name added to the mural, please fill out the form below.