iRIS Research Compliance System

What is iRIS?

iRIS is short for Integrated Research Information Systems. It is a web-based system that enables online application submission, real-time submission tracking, review, post-approval compliance activities, and data management.

It is used to process all of the research applications that are submitted to the IRBIBC, and IACUC.  The system also functions as a document repository, providing investigators with easy access to submission records and study documents.

Investigators can use the system anywhere they have Internet access, helping to connect faculty, researchers, students and partners around the world in one portal.

Do I have to use iRIS?

Yes. Research Compliance Committees will ONLY accept research applications through iRIS.

Key Features of iRIS:

  • Investigator dashboard: iRIS includes an investigator workspace that will allow the research team to view all submissions, get updates on submission status, get access to all study documents, and be able to track versions of the study application and attached study documents.
  • CITI connect: iRIS is connected to CITI and auto fills your CITI training records to the investigator’s My profile. Investigators can view training compliance when adding study team members to their study application.
  • Greater data automation: iRIS auto fills information where possible to reduce duplicate data entry to save time and reduce error.
  • Consent form builder: Consent form templates are available from within iRIS and will auto populate information you filled in from your application form to your consent document, such as study title, PI name, PI contact information, etc.
  • One stop shop: When all modules are implemented, iRIS also allows sharing/linking across compliance areas. For example, IACUC protocols with related IBC protocol can be linked and tracked together.
  • Paperless: iRIS promotes a paperless office and supports and greener and cleaner environment.