Thank you for taking this brief survey on California's workers' compensation system. Your responses are anonymous and it should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you don't know how to answer some of the questions, please work with your insurance provider, broker or claims administrator.

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* 1. What are your top employee management issues or challenges in California? (May select up to three)

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* 2. How would you rank the cost and effectiveness of the workers’ compensation system among the issues impacting your business or organization?

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* 3. In general, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your opinion of California’s workers’ compensation system?

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* 4. On a scale from “poor” to “excellent,” please rate the following features of California’s worker’s compensation system:

  Poor Adequate / OK Good Excellent
Overall fairness / balance of system
Fairness and consistency of legal process and rulings
Cost and time needed to resolve disputes over claim acceptance
Ability of employers to ensure medical treatment is appropriate / occurs within Medical Provider Networks
Quality of medical care for workers
Amount of indemnity (wage replacement) benefits to workers
Access to medical care for workers
Ability to report and combat fraud
Ability of employers to ensure claims are work-related
Ability to return employees to work in a timely manner
Overall costs to employers
Ease of filing claim for workers
Cost and time needed to resolve disputes over medical treatment