“As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

1 Peter 4:10
In planning a personal giving goal consider the following:

§  Giving is a joyful response to God’s generosity to us.

§  Offering a portion of our resources to God is an act of worship and a commitment to be engaged in God’s mission in the world.

§  For many Christians, the Biblical tithe of 10% is a common benchmark for generosity. For some of us, this target may be too low. For those of us on a limited or fixed income, this may be too high. Ask God to help you discern what is right for you.

§  Regular financial or first-fruits giving is an important spiritual discipline.

With God’s help, I/we are making the following generosity plan for our 2022 church financial year.
If circumstances allow, I/we will increase my/our generosity.

Question Title

* 1. Donor number or name (results will be reported anonymously):

Question Title

* 2. In comparison to my giving to SMC in 2021, I/we are making the following generosity plan: