One of several aspects of the Covid-19 epidemic, where cooperation is suggested between China and the West, is in the totalitarian dictate of lockdowns first proclaimed by China and then forthwith imposed by the rest of the world without any scientific or validly reasoned motivation. And in clear violation of existing constitutions and conventions regarding human rights and freedoms.

Never before have entire societies – let alone the whole planet – been paralyzed to put healthy people in quarantine. It´s the sick and those identifiably at risk, that need to be quarantined, if any. Please remember that in spite of the panic whipped up, the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19, even with documented over-reporting, has been in range with previous years´ annual influenzas and even less than those reported for some recent years. Even in Sweden, Japan and Thailand, where no lockdown was mandated, though precautionary bans on large gatherings were issued.

An important part of the tactics has been for Bill Gates or the WHO to pay Professor Neil Ferguson at the Imperial College in London to develop computer models of the probable geographic spread of the various “pandemics”, such as SARS and MERS, and now Covid-19, in order to work out containment and mitigation strategies. His numbers have been the principal foundation for the panic propaganda.

Much of this work has been undertaken in collaboration with public health partners such as the World Health Organization [WHO], the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health England. In 2008 this led to the creation of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (previously known as MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling) to create a platform for formulating public health policies.

It´s noteworthy how abysmally far from the reality Professor Ferguson´s predictions have been. But they have served to make governments buy vaccines for billions of dollars. For instance, in 2005 Ferguson declared that the so called bird flu could cause 200 million deaths worldwide. The real figure turned out to be just a few hundred. In 2009 Ferguson´s models predicted that 65.000 people could die from the so called swine flu only in Great Britain. The final figure was only around 500.

We now know that in some countries, especially in Italy and America, the health authorities have ordered doctors and hospitals to declare Covid-19 to be the cause of death of patients, even if it was obvious that they died from some other cause, as long as they could be said to respond positively to an antibody test  It´s important to understand that the tests used are simple antibody tests with an acknowledged error margin of some 80%. The test will react to a previous, overcome infection with Covid-19, and it may also react to various other infectious agents than the Covid-19 virus. In other words, the test is useless, and cannot prove infection with the new Covid-19 virus.

In the US, some hospitals and physicians have even been paid extra money just by writing Covid-19 on the death certificate. And yet, even with this clear over-reporting, the actual death figures this year have turned out to be within range of any previous annual flu, when no panic was created, and no lockdown, nor any drastic disruptive measures had to be undertaken.

To claim that our world rulers would sacrifice the holiest of their holy cows, namely the economy and their own earnings, in order to delay the death by a few months or years of a handful of old people at the end of their lives, is outright absurd. The gross hypocrisy of it is sickening. Especially since the track record of these same power mongers has been to actively and continuously cause the violent death of millions of young and healthy people, including children, all over the world through wars, terrorism, starvation, illnesses, poisonous drugs etc.

No, they have a very different motive for trying to impose lockdown and quarantine during their “Plandemic”. It´s a kind of rehearsal or test balloon. The plan is for it to lead to a global military dictatorship called New World Order (NWO).

The original plan was to achieve this via the UN´s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and the hyped up climate scare, but it seems it hasn´t been making sufficiently fast progress, and so now they are trying plandemics as a more compelling scenario.

The new strategy is to put enough fear into us to make the entire world population accept a fake “vaccine” that will genetically modify us and implant electromagnetic nano technology in every one of us.

It means they will control the life, death, health and mind of every man, women and child on the planet. This is likely to result in a drastic reduction of the population, and the enslavement and robotization of the few remaining they consider useful.

5G microwaves have been known and tested secretly by the military for several decades. They can be used for crowd control and to paralyze or kill an enemy.

It´s extremely telling that the public has not been told, or even allowed to know about the harmful, even lethal effects it can have on human health, and indeed on ALL life on our planet, not just humans.

Since last year, a totally illegal and unacceptable censorship has been imposed on both mainstream media and the centrally controlled social media, including YouTube, Google, Facebook, Vimeo etc.

Furthermore, any mention of 5G, or of the dangers of vaccines, or even the name of certain truth-tellers, have been automatically removed from the Internet.

The “Powers That Be” are clearly afraid that enough people will wake up before they have succeeded in tricking us into a physical and mental straightjacket from which there is no escape.

What´s certain is that all who allow themselves to be vaccinated by the New World Order mob, are giving up their integrity. They can no longer remain independent conscious individuals with a free will and a tolerably dignified existence. Provided they even survive.

The Corona virus is no threat to Humanity as such, nor to us individual humans, as long as we generally look after our health and especially our immune system.

The first thing to do in order to protect and strengthen the immune system, is to avoid all vaccines and pharmaceutical poisonous drugs masquerading as remedies. Also all kinds of pesticides and other poisonous chemicals. These, along with unhealthy industrial foods, are the main reasons why the immune system of most people today has lost its ability to protect us against health hazards of all kinds, and why so many people now suffer auto-immune diseases.

Precisely during the Covid-19 “plandemic” it has turned out that those who fare worst and are the first to die, are elderly people prescribed a collection of synthetic drugs, including statins, that destroy every bit they may have had left of a normal immune system.

The immune system is actually our only effective defense against illness, especially viruses and cancer. To destroy it may be an additional reason why the NWO lobby has pushed for the fast roll-out of 5G on superficial promises of marginally speedier downloads and more automations.  While intentionally denying the deadly radiation dangers of microwaves, even though they have been well documented for decades.

One effect of 5G radiation is to weaken our immune system and make us extremely vulnerable to health problems of all kinds, as well as to any strains and stresses. Used with specific frequencies it can also directly kill people, for instance by making it impossible for the blood of the targeted individuals to absorb enough oxygen from the air. And this is exactly what some doctors have noticed happening with victims of Covid-19, both in China, in Italy and in the US.

Two crucial questions remain:  

Do you realize that you are like a brainwashed frog in a pan of gradually heating water?

Will you realize that your only chance of surviving is to jump out of that water NOW, before it reaches its boiling point, which is already VERY close?

In other words, that it´s HIGH time we all join forces and take decisive action, leaving no-one in doubt that WE THE PEOPLE are sovereigns of our own lives and fates. Not the handful of billionaires and politicians who have robbed us of our power with their fraudulent de-mock-racy! – And who plan to cook us all for dinner! –

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