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donation for the poor | food pantry donations near me | food pantry donations | soup kitchen donations

Helping others and reaching out to the poor and the hungry


Food Pantry Donations

Embracing Compassion: Our Mission to Aid the Needy and Feed the Hungry

Help us increase the amount of food we serve and distribute to hundreds of our Worcester-area neighbors (including children) who are experiencing hunger. Donate or volunteer for the St. John’s Food for the Poor Program, a local charity and one of this region’s most comprehensive hunger assistance organizations.

Ways to Give

Donate Funds

Your secure online donation will help provide food and groceries for families battling hunger.

Monthly Giving

Your monthly gift creates a reliable source of funding all year long. It’s easy to donate monthly!

Planned Giving

You can be an integral part of the Food for the Poor Program by including a charitable gift within your estate financial plans.


The efforts and generosity of our corporate and foundation partners are extraordinary in their support and employee involvement.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

A gift made in one’s name is always a meaningful way to remember a loved one.

Donate Bulk Items

Bulk item donations help streamline quantity food preparation necessary to serve up to 700 hot meals a day.

Sponsor a Food Drive

Food drives can help provide much needed food for the Food for the Poor Program. Get started with our Food Drive Organization Kit.

Volunteer Executive Corps

Retired executives’ professional expertise can help sustain St. John’s Food for the Poor Program.

Donate Today!

Safe and Secure Online Donations

Online donations are accepted for all major credit cards, bank transfers and PayPal. Transactions are processed safely and securely through Stripe via DonorBox.

Consider Giving Monthly!

When you make your gift recurring, you create a reliable source of funding that ensures food for the needy all year long. Just a few dollars goes a long way!

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your memorial gift revering the special memory of a person is a loving and generous way to convey your feelings during a time of loss. Alternately, create a tribute gift to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, retirement or other significant occasion. All donations can be designated as memorial or tribute gifts during the online donation process.

Wall of Honor Gifts

For gifts of $1,000 or more, your name will be recognized on our donor wall in the St. Francis Xavier Center.

Your Donation is Tax-Deductible: Nonprofit 501(c)(3) EIN 04-2106729.

Learn More About Donationas

Merchandise List

Other Methods of Giving

donation for the poor | food pantry donations near me | food pantry donations | soup kitchen donations

Donate Food Items

A food drive can help provide much-needed food for St. John’s Food for the Poor Program, and food drives are easy and fun to coordinate. Organized by individuals, families, churches, and in the work place, food drives promote hunger awareness while helping those in greatest need. To assist in organizing a food drive, we have created a Food Drive Organization Kit that can be downloaded or by contacting us to mail it to you.

Donate Bulk Items

Every morning St. John’s Food for the Poor Program volunteer cooks start cooking, preparing food in the large quantities to serve up to 700 hot nutritious meals. Donations of case-pack and bulk-size cans, jars and bags contribute to a more efficient and productive food operation. A donation of one 4-lb. can of tuna serves as many guests as ten 6-oz. cans, while reducing labor and packaging disposal.

Corporate and Foundation Opportunities

When corporations and foundations partner with St. John’s Food for the Poor Program, they can be assured it will benefit all who are involved in our nonprofit organization, especially those who need it the most. The efforts and generosity of our corporate and foundation partners is extraordinary, both in their giving and in their support of the personal involvement of their employee volunteers in our soup kitchen and food pantry.

Commercial Donations

Over 100 million pounds of edible food are thrown away each year by large retailers, wholesalers, restaurants, and farmers. Stop & Shop knows this and that’s why they are so generous in supporting St. John’s Food for the Poor Program. When giving food and goods, the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996, protects donors “from civil and criminal liability should the product donated in good faith later cause harm to the recipient,” except for cases of “gross negligence or intentional misconduct.”

Donate Non-Food Items

Food and non-food items are always in critical need at the center, including toiletries for the homeless, plastic bags for take-home food and box lunches for the working poor, and pet food.

Get In touch

St. John's Food for the Poor Program

20 Temple Street, Worcester, MA 01604


Nonprofit 501(c)(3) EIN #042 106 729