
2-1: Student Code of Conduct Policy

Policy Overview

This policy sets out values, expectations, and standards of behavior that apply to all students at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College).

Scope and Applicability

This policy outlines the behavior expected of all students, lists prohibited behavior, and describes ways to report disruptive behavior and violations; it applies to all students, visitors and guests. Students, visitors, and guests should familiarize themselves with the expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct and ensure they comply with them.

Policy Statement

SFCC supports and respects all members of the learning community. SFCC recognizes that there is a diverse student body and has established standards so that all students have the opportunity to pursue their educational goals in a respectful and quality learning atmosphere.


  1. Academic Dishonesty means any behavior that misrepresents or falsifies the student’s knowledge, skills, or ability with the goal of unjustified or illegitimate evaluation or gain and includes cheating, plagiarism and falsification or fabrication of records. Assisting another student in cheating, plagiarism and falsification of records is also academic dishonesty.
  2. Camping is defined as using campus facilities or grounds for living accommodations or housing purposes, and is not allowed on campus property at any time. Camping such as overnight sleeping or making preparations for overnight sleeping or making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping), the making of any fire except as a supervised class activity or smoking in designated smoking areas or using a portable stove for cooking, lighting or warmth, or the use of tents, motor vehicles, or other structures for living or shelter.
  3. Cheating includes using or attempting to use unauthorized materials such as notes, texts, visuals, electronic devices, copies of test materials and presenting the work of others to misrepresent the student’s knowledge, skills, or ability. Unauthorized collaboration also constitutes cheating.
  4. Integrity is a strict adherence to a standard of values and conduct.
  5. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional representation of another’s work as one’s own, without proper acknowledgement of the original author or creator of the work.

Policy Process

  1. SFCC is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for students, faculty, staff, and the public.
  2. Students at SFCC are expected to behave in a respectful, civil, and thoughtful manner at all times.
  3. Any student who has been subjected to misconduct by others or who observes misconduct should report it promptly to the Campus Safety and Security Office, the Vice President for Academic and Student Success, and/or the Student Affairs Officer.
  4. SFCC values involvement, integrity, lifelong learning, and excellence. In the spirit of these values, every member of the campus community has a personal responsibility to respect the rights of others and to behave in a manner conducive to learning in an educational environment.
  5. A student who exhibits prohibited or disruptive behavior shall face discipline up to and including expulsion (SFCC Policy 2-2 Student Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action).
  6. The following conduct is prohibited:
    1. Classroom Conduct
      1. Plagiarizing, cheating, or committing any form of academic misconduct including but not limited to unauthorized collaboration, falsification of information and/or helping someone else violate responsible standards for academic behaviors. Students who have engaged in this type of conduct are subject to consequences as determined by the instructor.
      2. Upon the third violation of academic integrity, the Student Affairs Officer will impose sanctions as referred to under SFCC policy 2-2 Student Corrective and Disciplinary Action.
      3. Behavior that may disrupt or obstruct others from learning or interfere with research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, efforts of a faculty member to instruct a class, or SFCC activities on or off campus. for example, use of cell phones or other portable electronics, unless authorized by the faculty member teaching the course.
      4. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or SFCC activities on or off campus.
    2. Campus Conduct
      1. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of the peace; or aiding, abetting, or encouraging another person to breach the peace on College premises or at activities sponsored by or participated in by SFCC.
      2. Any violent behavior toward another student, a faculty or staff member, or any other individual on campus.
      3. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
      4. All threats and threatening behavior are taken seriously and will be investigated promptly.
      5. Attempted or actual theft of, damage, or destruction to SFCC property, including unauthorized use of property, located on Main Campus, the Santa Fe Higher Education Center, or owned or controlled by SFCC.
      6. Failure to comply with direction of College officials, security personnel or law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties.
      7. Conduct that violates any SFCC policy, seriously threatens the educational mission of SFCC, or the health or safety of any member of the College community, whether on or off campus.
      8. Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of College keys or unauthorized entry to or use of SFCC premises.
      9. Possession of any unauthorized pet or animal, excluding trained service animals, while on College-owned or -controlled property (SFCC Policy 4-21 Service and Other Animals on Campus).
      10. Tampering with or disabling security cameras or safety and security equipment.
      11. Leaving children unattended or unsupervised in College buildings, on College grounds or in personal vehicles
      12. Camping in College facilities or on College grounds, regardless of duration or purpose.
      13. Clothing and/or personal hygiene that fails to meet public health requirements.
      14. Unauthorized display or distribution of any written notices such as fliers, posters, brochures, etc. (SFCC Policy 8-9 Postings on Campus).
      15. Vending and sales activities unless previously authorized (SFCC Policy 8-2 Political Activity, Solicitation, and Vending on Campus).
    3. Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
      1. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion, serious medical condition, spousal affiliation, gender identity or sexual orientation (SFCC Policy 2-22 Student Sexual Harassment; SFCC Policy 2-23 Student Discrimination and Harassment).
      2. Sexual misconduct offenses include, but are not limited to sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact (or attempts to commit same), non-consensual sexual intercourse (or attempts to commit same), and/or sexual exploitation (SFCC Policy 2-28 Student Sexual Violence, Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking.)
    4. False Alarms and Weapons
      1. Deliberately causing a false fire alarm or creating any sort of false bomb threat or public alarm.
      2. Possession or distribution of any firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and/or other dangerous weapons, chemicals, or flammable liquids unless authorized by an SFCC official, or use or threat of use of any instrument as a weapon, including, but not limited to paint ball guns, pellet guns, air soft guns, bow and arrows, knives to intimidate, harass, or cause harm to others (SFCC Policy 6-13 Weapons and Firearms Control on Campus Policy).
    5. Drugs, Alcohol, Medical Marijuana, Smoking, and Gambling
      1. Using, being under the influence, manufacturing, possessing, cultivating, distributing, purchasing, or selling of alcohol and/or drugs (illegal and/or dangerous or controlled substance) and/or alcohol/drug paraphernalia while on College-owned or College-controlled property, or at any function authorized or supervised by SFCC or in state-owned or -leased vehicles.
      2. The President may make an exception regarding alcohol by granting prior consent. All laws relating to the sale, purchase, and distribution of alcohol must be observed, including age limits.
      3. Although possession and use of recreational or medical marijuana consistent with the requirements of New Mexico State Law is not a crime in the State of New Mexico, the possession and use of marijuana while on College property remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use or possession of marijuana is prohibited while on College-owned or -controlled property, at any function authorized or supervised by SFCC, and in state or College owned or leased vehicles.
      4. Smoking, except in designated smoking areas. Smoking includes the use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, electronic vaping devices, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems, or other such devices that vaporize substances to simulate smoking.
      5. Gambling of any kind, including computer gambling, sports betting pools, and pyramid schemes on SFCC-owned or -controlled property.
    6. Computing and Networks
      1. Violation of SFCC policy on the acceptable use of computing and network resources (SFCC Policy 7-1 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources, SFCC Policy 7-3 Information Security, SFCC Policy 8-7 Social Media).
      2. Unacceptable uses of technology resources include, but are not limited to:
        1. Electronic forums that violate the Student Code of Conduct,
        2. Sharing accounts or computer access,
        3. Violation of electronic privacy,
        4. Interference with computer use or operations,
        5. Unauthorized entry into or tampering with computers, networks, or other information resources,
        6. Commercial or illegal use of electronic or computer resources,
        7. Violation of copyright law or other intellectual property protection laws or policies (SFCC Policy 3-16 Intellectual Property and Copyright), and
        8. Threats, abuse, or harassment made or transmitted via electronic forums, social media platforms, or electronic mail.
    7. Parking and Traffic Rules
      1. Failing to follow traffic rules or respect designated handicap parking spaces and fire zone areas in College parking lots.
        1. Any person who violates traffic or parking rules is subject to having their vehicle towed or immobilized by the use of a boot.
        2. If you receive a warning sticker, or if your car has been towed or immobilized, contact the Campus Safety and Security Office.
      2. Using wheeled vehicles (including but not limited to cars and bicycles) and wheeled personal transportation devices (including but not limited to skateboards and roller skates) anywhere on the Main Campus and at the Santa Higher Education Center other than on campus streets is prohibited. Wheelchairs and other devices used as accommodations to the user’s disability are permissible.
  7. Questions or concerns about the Student Code of Conduct should be discussed with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, the Student Affairs Officer, or designee.
  8. Students who violate any provision of this Policy may be subject to discipline up to and including, expulsion (SFCC Policy 2-2 Student Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action).
  9. Guests and visitors who violate any provision of this Policy may be subject to discipline and removal from campus or a College program.
  10. SFCC may report any apparent violation of law to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, shall be responsible for enforcing student policies and procedures. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs and the Student Success Office shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.


Title 21 United States Code Controlled Substances Act
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (under the Higher Education Act)
NMSA 1978, § 30-7-2.4 NMSA 1978, § 30-7-2.4(B)
Policy 2-2 Student Corrective and Disciplinary Action
Policy 2-22 Student Sexual Harassment
Policy 2-23 Student Discrimination and Harassment
Policy 2-28 Student Policy on Sexual Violence, Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, Domestic Violence, And Stalking
Policy 4-21 Service and Other Animals on Campus
Policy 6-13 Weapons and Firearms Control on Campus
Policy 7-1 Technology Usage
Policy 7-3 Information Security
Policy 8-2 – On Campus Solicitation, Vending, and Political Activity by External Parties
Policy 8-7 Social Media
SFCC Policy 8-9 Postings on Campus


Approved by SFCC Governing Board: 3/20/2008

Revised and Governing Board approved: 3/23/2016

Revised and Governing Board approved: 1/25/2023