Participant information

What is the research about?
We are investigating the experiences of supporting communication development and disorders from the perspectives of both people from refugee backgrounds and speech-language pathologists.

The purpose of the study to support the development of culturally responsive practice that promotes positive communication outcomes for people from refugee backgrounds.

Who is conducting the research?
The research project is being conducted by a team of researchers at Charles Sturt University led by Dr Sarah Verdon (Research Fellow, Faculty of Science, CSU).

The research team includes:
  1. Associate Professor Sarah Verdon, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Charles Sturt University
  2. Mrs Olivia Clark, Speech pathologist and Research assistant, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Charles Sturt University
  3. Ms Maria Chandrasegaran, Honours student, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Charles Sturt University
  4. Dr Ian Skinner, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Charles Sturt University
  5. Mr Luc Awilo Willy
  6. Dr Penelope Vine
  7. Pastor Kalwindi Mbele
  8. Ms Vivian Nyirakwezi
  9. Mr Kimararungu Nelson Budederi
The research is guided by a steering consisting of key advocates of the refugee community, including people of refugee backgrounds and experts in refugee resettlement, education and healthcare and the research team. The role of the steering committee is to monitor the progress of the project and ensure that it upholds its aim to be co-produced by the research team and the community and that it delivers benefit to the community through culturally responsive dissemination of the research findings.
What does the research involve?
Participation in this study involves:

Participating in this online survey about your experience, knowledge, competence and confidence in supporting the communication of people from refugee backgrounds.

It is anticipated that the survey will take approximately 20 minutes.

The survey data will be recorded in order to maintain accuracy of participants’ views. Your consent will be obtained prior to starting the survey.

Who can participate?
Any speech-language pathologist or international equivalent who has engaged in speech-language pathology practice with people from a refugee background.

What happens to the information I provide?
Information from the survey will be analysed by the researchers to describe the experiences of speech-language pathologists in supporting the communication of people from refugee backgrounds.

Findings may be reported in national and international speech pathology, migration and health journals and at conferences.

Confidentiality will be maintained as all survey responses will be submitted anonymously and are protected under SurveyMonkey's Privacy Policy and Security Statement. The information collected in this research may be used in the future for research relating to supporting the communication of people from refugee backgrounds and for teaching purposes.

All information will be stored securely at Charles Sturt University for a minimum period of 5 years to comply as per ethical guidelines.

Are there any risks related to this research?
The risks of this research are minimal.  You are asked to identify your own capacity to contribute to the survey and any information that you contribute will be reported anonymously in publications that arise from this research.

While it is not anticipated that you will suffer any distress as a result of participating in this research project, if you do feel the need for support you can phone your national provider or online or telephone counselling for support.
Do I have to participate in this study?
No. Your participation in this project is voluntary. However, should you decide to participate in this survey, it will not be possible to remove your data once it has been received, due to the anonymous nature of the responses.

What do I do now?
If you would like to participate in this research:  Click the 'Next' button at the bottom of this page
By completing and submitting the online survey you are providing consent for your information to be used for the purposes of this research.

If you would like to keep a copy of this information sheet, you can print this screen.

If you do not wish to participate in this research: If you decide not to participate in this research, you do not need to do anything else, simply close the window.

Thank you for taking the time to read about this research.

Should you have any questions, queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the chief investigator:
     Associate Professor Sarah Verdon
     School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences Charles Sturt University

The Charles Sturt University Human Research Ethics Committee has approved this project [Protocol number: H20371].  If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this project, you may contact the Committee on (02) 6338 4628 or Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be informed of the outcome.