Peter Candland recall effort

Elena Schlossberg, executive director of the Coalition to Save Prince William County, speaks during a press conference during which she and about 15 others announced an effort to recall Supervisor Pete Candland. Candland and his wife have joined their neighbors in an effort to sell their collective 2,133 acres to create the Prince William Digital Gateway, a new data center corridor along rural Pageland Lane adjacent to the Manassas Battlefield National Park.

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A politician shooting himself in the foot is not uncommon. Both feet, however, is quite an achievement.

Shot #1: Pete Candland made big noise about his commitment to preserving his district against the onslaught of irresponsible development. Then, when opportunity strikes, he does an about face and double-crosses his constituency for his own financial gain. His newly conflicted status made him ineligible to represent his district in the most significant land use decision in decades. I guess that’s his idea of representing us.

Shot #2: Obviously a slow learner, Pete Candland ignores his obligation to refrain from sticking his nose in the data center business and participates in a discussion with Sanders Lane residents infected with the latest variant of data center fever, lending his expertise on how to plunder for dollars.

What on earth was he thinking? I’ve heard of bad judgment, but that was award-winning. He disqualified himself from representing his district as a whole, but thought his best contribution was helping a splinter group pour more gas on the fire he fanned. I guess as long as you’ve stuck the knife in, you might as well twist it.

At Tuesday’s Board of County Supervisors meeting, Sanders Lane residents predictably started showing up angling for their spot at the trough. One resident envisioned a solid sea of data centers running north from Route 29, up Pageland and Sanders Lanes to the Dominion Power substation in southern Loudoun County. What hath Candland wrought? A county safe for electrons and little else.

He is clearly clueless about whose interests he is supposed to be serving. He is a hapless bull-in-the-china shop whose continued presence is a detriment and an embarrassment to the Gainesville District. He should resign now unless he’s just curious about how many signatures we can collect to recall him.


Very well written. Thank you . You’ve definitely changed my thinking. It’s disheartening to see such a beautiful area being converted to pure data centers.


Is this a joke!!?? Removing Candland won’t change anything!!! You get another Democrat in and Goodbye Prince William County!! Dems want the Data Centers for their tax base and could care less about the people.

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