Cobb County's COVID-19 Numbers for Tuesday

Category 08/17/21 Change
Cases 68,134 +232
Hospitalizations 3,735 +4
Deaths 1,055 +6

Georgia's COVID-19 Numbers for Tuesday

Category 08/17/21 Change
Cases 1,000,872 +4,219
Hospitalizations 69,367 +220
Deaths 19,044 +24

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(2) comments

George Don Spruill

Cobb County virtue signals for all they’re worth. “Hey, look, Fulton, Dekalb, and Gwinnett! We’re as ignorant as you are!”

Woodrow Wollesen

Respectfully does no one notice that there does not exist a single genuinely qualified recognized national expert on virology anywhere within Cobb County (in fact anywhere in GA). When decisions are made that lack solid and concrete objectively determined and proven scientific evidence and facts independently and objectively verified there will always result the worse of possible consequences for everyone. Please do pay attention and research it yourself with real experts see, e.g., Masks 'DON'T stop you getting Covid': Top experts criticise 'troubling lack of evidence' to justify wearing them after major Danish study concluded they don't protect the wearer, see also,

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects

Does no one recall – Fauci said masks not really effective, see

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