health + care

Unaddressed trauma deteriorates health.
Racism is trauma.

Healing isn't just possible; it's paramount.

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core beliefs

At KINSHIFT, our core beliefs necessitate action. They determine not only the work we do, but also how we do it. We believe:

  • Trauma and structural racism are inextricably linked. Racism, and other spheres of oppression, are traumatic and create long-term health consequences. Trauma-and-resilience-informed, anti-racist systems shift power and resources to those who are most marginalized.
  • People are not defined by what they have endured or experienced.
  • Trauma can also be experienced and perpetuated by systems and organizations. If systems can be built to exacerbate trauma, they can also be built to foster healing, connection, equity, and resilience.
  • Healing isn't just possible; it's paramount.

vision and mission

By creating trauma-and-resilience-informed anti-racist environments, KINSHIFT envisions healthcare systems and communities where:

  • Trauma is recognized as a significant health risk.
  • Race, class, immigration status, etc. do not impact quality of care, and communities of color no longer bear disproportionate burdens of disease.
  • Healthcare systems are empowered to mitigate biases, dismantle harmful policies and practices, and move beyond coping to foster resilience.
  • People of color are no longer solely responsible for anti-racist work devoid of adequate acknowledgment, support, or compensation.

KINSHIFT supports healthcare and public health transformation through evidence-based practices rooted in actionable principles of trauma-and-resilience-informed care and anti-racism.

Kelly and Simran both with a warm smile


educate and inspire

KINSHIFT thoughtfully facilitates hard discussions, helping healthcare and public health organizations make sustained shifts that will lead to long-term transformation.


There are often limited resources devoted to addressing the impact of trauma, racism, and bias on organizational operations. KINSHIFT supports institutional and system transformation through evidence-based strategies and interventions.

plan and evaluate

What we measure matters. KINSHIFT demonstrates impact using customized research and evaluation tools.


It’s not enough to prevent trauma from happening. We are also morally obligated to mend the wounds caused by racism and other spheres of oppression. KINSHIFT helps create healing environments for clients and colleagues.

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"The last few years have magnified our collective understanding of structural inequities, racism, climate change and the impacts of the pandemic and have escalated our collective need to address the core structural and relational impacts on individuals, families and organizations. Collective grief, unaddressed trauma and systemic racism impact not only individuals but organizations and whole systems. Ms. Davis and Dr. Chaudhri bring hope, connection and lived experience to organizational transformation work. They have operated in large systems, understand the barriers but more importantly understand the promise and possibility of transformation when we embed and embody the principles of Trauma and Resilient Informed Systems. In my role as the architect of Trauma Informed Systems at the San Francisco Department of Public Health and later as an organizational and executive coach, I had the opportunity to work closely with Ms. Davis and Dr. Chaudhri, and they both possess three key skills that are essential to success. First, they are compassionate and passionate about the benefits of supporting healing organizations. Second, they are vigilant in ensuring that plans are inclusive, expansive and realistic. Third, they are detailed and exhaustive in developing implementation plans that help organizations adopt a healing approach, adapt to the context of the organization and align with other culture change initiatives. Their work is exceptional, grounded and inspirational."

— Ken Epstein, PhD, LCSW