Kevin’s Afterglow


The Mission of Kevin’s Afterglow…

…is to teach kids kindness, empathy, and the ability to listen to others…, give to others, educate Parents and Children on Mental Health, help Address the Pediatric Mental Health Crisis, and get people to TALK.


Kevin’s Afterglow Story…

Two days after their son Kevin died, the community held a vigil outside the Kuczo’s house to honor Kevin and support the family. In what would be a first of many speeches, The Kuczos spoke passionately to the large crowd about:

“What happened was a tragedy, no parent should ever have to go through this, I think it would be a bigger tragedy if it ever happened again.”  

“If you could all try and make someone’s life just a little bit better, if you could be a little kinder, a little more compassionate, a little more giving… You can make a difference.”


“Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”

For Kevin J. Kuczo

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