Defend Downtown

We ask that you sign this petition to show our lawmakers our strong opposition to this new unlimited tax.

to Downtown Indianapolis Mile Square Economic Enhancement District unlimited tax.
Petition Against Unilateral Taxation in Downtown Indianapolis

Downtown businesses are struggling. An unlimited tax on downtown businesses only continues to harm existing residents and business owners.

This new tax rate is .1681% of assessed value for commercial properties and apartments, meaning a building with assessed value of $50M will be taxed $84,050 and a $100M building will be taxed $168,100. Residential properties will pay a flat $250 fee.

If this tax goes into effect, it will cost apartment renters an additional $30 - 60 per month, or $360 - 720 per year. Commercial office space will increase $.15 - .22 per square foot, meaning a 10,000 square foot business will pay $1,500 - 2,200 more per year.

As property owners, business owners, and residents, our voices and votes have been intentionally excluded from the approval process, and we have not had meaningful input on this new special taxing district. We do not support the city secretly saddling us with additional, arbitrary taxes to create a slush fund for downtown Indianapolis.

Mile Square Map - Indianapolis
Mile Square
Economic Enhancement District (EED)

During the 2023 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly approved the implementation of an Economic Enhancement District (EED) within the downtown Mile Square. This EED serves as a new, unlimited tax on downtown property owners to generate additional revenue for projects already being funded by taxes, grants and donations. This taxing district was created without any communication with, or input from, those it would affect. We ask that you sign the petition below to voice your disapproval of this additional tax.


This is an unlimited and arbitrary tax with no defined tax structure that can grow each year.

The government decided they are going to take more of our money, but haven’t told us how much it is going to cost and where the money is going.

There was no public input.

This tax was forced into the state budget at the last minute and behind closed doors. This tax was not presented to taxpayers and discussed in a public setting.

This tax revenue could go towards programs already being funded by tax dollars, donations and grants.

This new tax could go toward 11 undetermined projects, including the operation of a no rules homeless shelter. WHAT IS CERTAIN: This will be extremely costly to properties located in the Mile Square.

This only hurts our already struggling downtown environment.

More than 22% of offices are vacant, restaurants and businesses have moved out of the mile square, and apartments are seeing a higher vacancy than in suburban markets. Imposing another financial burden on the existing businesses restricts their financial freedom and puts them at a competitive disadvantage to businesses located just outside the Mile Square. It will also stifle new business development in the Mile Square.
About Us
We are a group of downtown residents and business owners who live or operate in the Mile Square.

We represent commercial business owners, restaurant owners, apartment owners, building owners, and homeowners. We are deeply concerned with the implementation of a new unlimited special taxing district and how that will impact our costs and ability to live and operate downtown.

We are a group of downtown residents and business owners who live or operate in the Mile Square.

We represent commercial business owners, restaurant owners, apartment owners, building owners, and homeowners. We are deeply concerned with the implementation of a new unlimited special taxing district and how that will impact our costs and ability to live and operate downtown.

Click to download our Fact Sheet