MGA professor provides tips on how to speak to your child about Ukraine events

It may be difficult for children to understand what's happening in Ukraine.
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MGA Professor speaks about how to talk to your children about Ukraine

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) — It may be difficult for children to understand what’s happening in Ukraine.

That’s why Kelisa Underwood, a Social Work Professor at Middle Georgia State University, is providing tips on how to have that conversation.

She says it may be scary at first, but if you have a small child, you need to speak with them in terms they understand.

Try to find items that can help paint the picture, like toys.

“Talk to them about people invading other peoples’ space or taking things that don’t necessarily belong to them or not sharing,” Underwood said. “And so making it sort of aligned with just where they are and what makes sense for them.”

If you have older children, it’s better for you to speak with your child before they get information online.

Underwood says she’s already had the conversation with her children, which has helped provide more clarity about what is happening.

Categories: Bibb County, Education, Local News, WMGT