Fire Management Contractors

2023-24 Fire Management Contractors List

We put out the call for local contractors to apply for our fire management contractor list.

As we head into the warmer months and upcoming fire danger period, we inspect private land for fire hazards.

Where a hazard is identified, landowners will be sent a fire prevention notice to remove the fire hazard by a specified date. A fire prevention notice is issued under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 or Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958.

We offer landowners support to carry out the necessary work by including a list of contractors alongside the fire prevention notice.

Work required can include slashing grass and weed or vegetation removal.

Contractors must fulfill a set of criteria to be published on the list. The fire management contractor list will also be available on our website.

Download: Fire Management Contractor List 2023-24(PDF, 95KB)

Fire management works on private property

All works undertaken by contractors on the list are completed by agreement between the contractors and property owners. Contractors engaged to undertake fire management works resulting from an FPN must:

  • view and understand conditions on the FPN
  • view the compliance date on the FPN to ensure that you can complete the works by the compliance date
  • dispose of all vegetation in an appropriate manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a FPN?

Under Section 41 of the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 and Section 87 of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 the Shire may issue a Fire Prevention Notice (FPN) to a private property owner. An FPN is issued on a parcel of land after an officer has inspected the property and formed the opinion there is a fire hazard, or likely to be a fire hazard, on the land.  An FPN specifies conditions detailing the required fire management works and the date for completion.  Only the work stated on the FPN is authorised to be carried out and it must be done within the specified timeframe.

Am I guaranteed to be on the Contractor List if I apply?

There is no obligation on the Shire to accept any application, or to place anyone on the Fire Management Contractors List.  The Shire does not recommend, preference or endorse any contractor on this list.

What will happen to your information and details?

If you are successful, your details will appear on the contractors list which will be publicly available on the Shire’s web site and sent to residents who receive a Fire Prevention Notice.

What are my responsibilities?

All works undertaken by contractors on the list are completed by agreement between the contractors and property owners.