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Heart Statistics

Our heart statistics hub hosts all of our BHF statistical reports, visualisations and publications, collecting the most comprehensive statistics on the effects, prevention, treatment, and costs of heart and circulatory diseases in the UK, and also their risk factors. Please browse our resources to learn more.

The UK in numbers...

Key Statistics Factsheets 

BHF Statistics Factsheet - UK (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases for the UK.
BHF Statistics Factsheet - England (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases for England.
BHF Statistics Factsheet - Scotland (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases for Scotland.
BHF Statistics Factsheet - Wales (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases for Wales. 
BHF Statistics Factsheet - Northern Ireland (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases for Northern Ireland.
BHF Statistics Factsheet - Global (pdf)
Key health statistics and information on heart and circulatory diseases globally.

Compendium 2023

Our statistics compendium presents the latest statistics for journalists, healthcare professionals, researchers and the general public. It includes heart and circulatory disease statistics for mortality, morbidity and treatments at local and national levels. Latest edition published April 2023. 

Our latest compendium

BHF Statistical Publications Archive

A library of older titles can be accessed here.