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Sharing Salt

Thinking about some of the deepest and most profound conversations we see in Scripture, I’m struck by how many take place over food and/or drink.…
James Travis
April 30, 2024

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Sermons from the founder of Calvary Chapel.

Cultivate: Church Planter training program

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Advent: The Son

Part 2 of 3 * This article is adapted from a series of papers written for Western Seminary. Continuing this three-part celebration of Advent, this…
Christian Living

Why Wait For Marriage? (With Jon Keith and Jordan Aly) – A Discussion on dating and sexuality.

Aaron sits down with his old friend Jordan and her boyfriend (now fiancé since the time of this recording!) Hip-Hop and R&B artist Jon Keith…

Relating the Gospel to Social Justice

At the center of the book of Micah, there’s a promise of a baby who would one day be king. But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though…
The Way of Peter vs The Way of Jesus
Critiquing Cessationism: The Gifts of the Spirit & the Church Today
Worship: Participation in the Trinity
Christian Living
5 Reasons We Need the Old Testament
Crying Out To The Father – A study of God’s Fatherhood
Sola Gratia: The Beauty & Sufficiency Of Grace In The Salvation Of Sinners

A Word for Christians in a Politically Divided Culture

The COVID-19 crisis has been a major disruption worldwide, affecting the lives of nearly every person on the planet. Movement has been restricted; jobs have…

Bomb Shelter Ministry in My Ukrainian Town

Thanks to air raid sirens, neighbors and refugees are hearing more about the gospel than ever. We are now a full week into open war…

War in Ukraine: A Year of Abiding Grace

5:00 a.m. I awoke abruptly to my phone ringing in my apartment in Budapest, Hungary. It was February 24, 2022. “They’re bombing Kyiv. We’re at…
Has a new dead sea scrolls cave been discovered?
Support for Chabad Synagogue
The Early Church: How Christianity Revolutionized the Depravity of Roman Culture
Finding Community and Hope: The Spiritual Needs of Ukrainian Refugees
Bullied by Tolerance – When Every Truth but Yours is Allowed
You Hear Their Cries: Reflections on September 11

6 Reasons Why I Believe Jesus is God

There is much debate about who Jesus is. Some believe he was a good man or a great prophet. Others claim he was an angel…

Why Was Good Friday So Good?

"For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God, having been…

Announcing The Cultivate Church Planter’s Program

Are you ready to answer the call of church planting?  The Gospel is the hope of the world, and the world needs more Gospel-centered churches.…
Why The Gospel Is Central
How is CGN Fostering Missional Life and Ministry?
Church Planting Like Skateboarding
What is Gospel Centered Preaching Part 1
God and Social Justice
How To Wreck a Sermon: 5 Simple Steps

IGTV Conversations: Let’s Talk About Vision!

Join us on June 28-July 1 for the Calvary Chapel CGN International Conference!Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell discuss the vision for this conference, and how…
Ministry & Leadership

Co-laborers or Competition? Calvary Chapel & Other Church Planting Movements

Like it or not, when something you’ve done for a long time becomes the mainstream, you are not viewed as the trendsetter, but just another…

Calvary Chapel Bible College Ireland

Have you been praying about joining a Bible college to deepen your relationship with God? Are you looking to grow in your faith in a…
Ministry & Leadership
How Does CGN Support Women in Ministry Leadership?
Ministry & Leadership
An Interview with Pastor Richard Cimino
Ministry & Leadership
God is in Seattle: A Compelling Interview with Pastor Wayne Taylor
Ministry & Leadership
The Value of Church Planting Networks | Benji Horing & Casey Kendell
Ministry & Leadership
Preaching Is an Act of Persuasion
Ministry & Leadership
How to Triple Your Church Leadership in a Year

CCBC Europe is Moving to Tbilisi, Georgia!

Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe is on the move! The Bible college originally began at the castle in Austria which was purchased by Calvary Chapel…

The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family?

One of the earliest and most important discoveries relating to the historicity of Jesus and members of his family is the limestone bone-box (called an…

To The Christian Who Has Lost Their Passion – Resist Apathy pt3

In this episode, Brian and Aaron respond to a message from a listener who admits her struggle with apathy and also shares some beautiful insight…
Christian Living
Discipleship In Every Season
The Availability of Revival
The Wiles of the Devil
Belle Patrick: A Kind of Missionary
Why I’m Called to Serve My City
Doubt and Faith of Our Time
Christian Living

The Lines of True Christian Unity

Unity is a concept often discussed but rarely accomplished. Recently, I've seen it modeled well. Earlier this month, I sat in a gathering with the…
Christian Living

“Rock of Ages:” Three Aspects of Salvation

Nothing in my hand I bring,simply to the cross I cling;naked, come to thee for dress;helpless, look to thee for grace;foul, I to the fountain…
Christian Living

Weapons of this Warfare: Facing the Strongholds of Social Media

I was amazed to read the headlines today, “Twitter Engineers to 'Ban a Way of Talking' Through 'Shadow Banning,'” "Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions.”…
Christian Living
Where Love is Infinite & Need is Fulfilled
Christian Living
Elizabeth Blackwell Part 2
Christian Living
Why We Need to Understand the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith
Christian Living
The Word Made Flesh: How Scripture Anchored My Soul through Stormy Trials
Christian Living
As You Walk and Are Sad
Christian Living
Next Christmas