1. Something sharp
  2. A shadow
  3. Something shiny
  4. An animal
  5. Something purple
  6. Movement
  7. Something you love
  8. Something you made
  9. Something tiny
  10. The letter A
  11. A thumbs up
  12. A selfie
  13. Crack in the sidewalk
  14. A face with a shadow on it
  15. Technology
  16. Clouds
  17. Circles
  18. Something that has a pattern
  19. Water
  20. Musical instrument


Choose 10 (ten) of the above Scavenger Hunt suggestions and submit images to the website by July 17th

We will show the images at our Tuesday, July 19th, 7:30 p.m. Zoom meeting.

Please identify your images by theme and your name.

Size as per clinic specifications.  Have Fun!

You name is automatically added to the image

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