Steve "Papa" Allen Litzky's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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  • Helping hands

    In lieu of flowers

    Please consider a donation to Sacramento Zoo Conservation Carousel.
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Helping hands

In lieu of flowers

Please consider a donation to Sacramento Zoo Conservation Carousel.
of $10,000 goal
42 %

How you can help

Steve's love of animals was a core part of his identity. His early life was spent building aquariums and learning about oceanography. As an adult he loved to ride and train with horses. Steve ensured his children and grandchildren shared this love by regularly taking them to the zoo.

To honor Steve we are sponsoring an animal on the Conservation Carousel at the Sacramento Zoo. These funds will support the Sacramento Zoo operations, education and conservation. We are sponsoring the Sea Horse to honor Steve's love of the ocean and his cowboy ways. Contribute   Right arrow


Steven Allen Litzky, beloved father and grandfather, passed away at home in Ione, CA on April 25, 2023. Steve was 69 years old. Steve is survived by his dog Pearl; children Alexis, Katherine, and Rosalind; and his grandchildren Levi, Solomon, Harper, Sonya, and Nora.

Born to Marilyn Proskauer Litzky and David Litzky in Brooklyn, NY on March 10, 1954, Steve grew up with his older brother Richard in Roslyn Heights, NY. Steve’s passion for the …

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habitat for humanity


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Former Treasurer of

Vintage Cutting Horse Association

Professional Organization




March 10th, 1954

Passed away

April 25th, 2023
Ione, CA

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Method of disposition


Daneri Mortuary
Funeral services provided by

Daneri Mortuary


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Steve "Papa" Litzky