Center for infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research,

Faculty of Agriculture, 

Tokyo University of  Agriculture and Technology 


        Something might be small but still pack a smash punch in the research


Mt.Isarog,Philippines 1,965m

Welcome to HP  of  Team Omatsu!


To reduce risk of infectious diseases through conventional approaches including molecular biological methods and data sciences from laboratory to field, our team studies on risk analysis of infectious diseases from bats, elucidation of virus tolerance mechanism on bats, development of oral vaccines, and economic analysis of the hygiene control at farms.

★★ 大学院生(博士・修士)募集中! ★★★

★★★ Welcome graduate students! ★★★


We are welcoming graduate students to work with us on our ongoing and related researches. Please contact us by email, when you are interested in our laboratory. You can also visit our lab and ask question via zoom. Please check CONTACT page for contact information.