Center for Assessment

Welcome to The Center for Assessment (CFA) at Sam Houston State University (SHSU). The College of Education (COE) is home to the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) unit. The unit comprises initial and advanced programs, which include 32 initial professional education programs that lead to the baccalaureate degree and/or initial certification, 19 advanced professional education programs that lead to the Master’s in Education or Master’s in Art degree (M.Ed. or M.A.), and four advanced professional education programs that lead to the Doctor of Education or Doctor of Philosophy degrees (Ed. D. or Ph.D.).

The COE is committed to accountability and transparency by reporting performance data that is updated regularly on the CFA website. Critical to all stakeholders, performance data are an important feature of accountability at SHSU, thus supporting a culture of continuous improvement in our Educator Preparation Programs.

The high standards of accreditation, assessment, and accountability benefit the candidate, the organization, and the public, indicating value in the degree and confidence in the worth of the Educator Preparation Programs.