This online questionnaire is meant to gather contact information and basic health information to determine if you are eligible to participate in a new study called SUNBEAM - which stands for Systems Biology of Early Atopy. Your participation in this research registry is voluntary. Completing the questionnaire is voluntary and you can end the questionnaire at any time without having your information submitted to the research team. You can decide in the future whether you want to participate in additional research activities.

The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and asks for information such as your name, email address, phone number, and basic information about your health. Information collected through the questionnaire will be reviewed by SUNBEAM study staff to see if you might qualify for the study.

After completing the questionnaire you will be contacted by researchers to verify the information and give you more details about the study. You can decide at that time if you would like to be part of the study. The study staff will then discuss next steps with you and possibly schedule a consent visit. If you decide not to be part of the study or if we are unable to contact you, your provided information will be destroyed.

We will do our best to keep your information confidential. To help protect your confidentiality, the questionnaires will not be saved in a way that will directly identify you.

If you have any questions about how your information will be used or want to withdraw your information in the future, please contact us at

Additional details about the study can be found in this brochure: 

Welcome to SUNBEAM!.pdf


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