Steve Slevinski


  • 11 members
  • 2 posts
  • $289.9/month

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SignWriting Team
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Stand up and be counted by adding your voice to mine.  

With enough of a team, $1 per month will let me continue my work.

Every team member helps create a platform for SignWriting.

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SignWriting Partner
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If you believe in SignWriting and support my work, become my partner with a larger monthly donation.


SignWriting Partners are given insider information, special access, and preferential treatment.

Make a statement that your sign language is valuable and that it is written with SignWriting.

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SignWriting Representative
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Stand up and be counted as a promoter and authority for your sign language.


SignWriting Representatives are given greater power, authority, and recognition. Representatives help spread and shape the writing of their sign language.

Open to individuals, groups, businesses, schools, universities, and government agencies.

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SignWriting Founder
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Ensure the future of SignWriting with Valerie Sutton and Steve Slevinski


SignWriting Founders are given the greatest amount of access and influence.

SignWriting Founders make a serious statement that sign languages are written languages and that SignWriting will endure.

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Steve Slevinski

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