Claire Tindale

I work predominantly with sculpture and installation, which is often site-responsive. Variations in scale are used to explore physical and psychological spaces in connection with aspects of the human condition, and the associated vulnerabilities that can entail. Resultant pieces are, at times, playful, while at others can be emotive or thought provoking.

The miniature as a conceptual framework has become a focus of my current practice; the meaning of which has evolved over a series of projects. Initially it emerged in response to the conditions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease with the creation of a 1/12th scale model of a care home, conveying contraction in relation to mental capacity and physical space

​More recently, in Working Towards a Goldilocks Society, the miniature was implemented to convey a ‘model’, or ‘ideal’. Here a chocolate model village was created, referencing George Cadbury’s Bournville, acting as the basis of an aspiration for a better society.

Originally commissioned for the exhibition, Start Where You Are: Second Degree Potentias at Bloc Projects, this chocolate model village was subsequently selected for Politics of Paradise, the inaugural show at Paradise Works.

Further exhibitions include BiblioTECH: From Bookshelf to Big Data, The Portico Library, Manchester, Miniature World, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, Sheffield and Drawing for Sculpture, 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe. Residencies and site-responsive work have been commissioned by organisations including Lime Arts and Wewiora Projects, and in 2017 I was selected for Mark Devereux Project’s StudioBook programme. Works are in public and private collections, including Tate Special Collection
