Sponsored Projects

You are receiving this email because you have been identified as a member of the research, grants, and contracts community utilizing the University’s sponsored project activation/modification processes. Effective Wednesday, March 1, 2023, all subaccount requests and budget modification requests (BMR) will require use of the Research Proposal Accounting (RPA) system in PRISM. The current process for activating or requesting subaccounts through PERIS™ MyFunding will be disabled on February 28, 2023.

Pitt Information Technology’s Heather Lego has been actively communicating with Responsibility Center Account Administrators about this transition to PRISM RPA, which has been available since November 2022. If you have not been advised of the new process, please reach out to Dave Laffey in Sponsored Projects Accounting as soon as possible.

The new sponsored project account activation, modification, and subaccount request features are available now in PRISM RPA providing the following benefits:

  • Enhanced control over timing of subaccount request submission ― from Department Requestor to RC Approver directly to Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA)
  • Reduced duplication of effort with a new online research BMR application
  • Increased visibility of Subaccount Request status within RPA forms and enhanced validation control, including new dashboards and attachment features

Complete details about the sponsored project activation and modification processes ― including instructions for creating subaccounts for your sponsored program awards ― are available on the PRISM SharePoint site.  The new process is available to use now.  We strongly encourage you to start using the new process and features  before February 28, 2023.

Please contact Dave Laffey or Kellie Sellers if you have any questions about this announcement or encounter any issues using the new processes.



Controller’s Office / Sponsored Projects Accounting

Pitt Information Technology



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