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Find support for your homeschool journey

Homeschooling takes courage. It takes grit. It takes vision. And it takes a willingness to set your own course. To follow your own internal compass of what’s right for you and your family.

We’re on the path right there with you. We believe that all the small acts of love we pour into our kids each day add up to something amazing by God's grace. And we've got a team of experienced homeschoolers ready to encourage and equip you as we all journey together through this homeschooling life.

New to Homeschooling

Getting started with homeschooling can be overwhelming. Whether you're trying to decide if homeschooling is right for you, or you're ready to give homeschooling a try, but you're not sure what to do next, we can help. Check out our New to Homeschooling track for practical articles to get you started.


We all have days when we just want to give up. If you're doubting whether you're qualified to homeschool or wondering if you can even make it through one more day, we hope our Encouragement track will give you the strength to keep moving forward with confidence that God has called you to homeschool.


From scheduling, grades and transcripts to cleaning, meal planning and of course the never-ending laundry, keeping your life organized is something all homeschool parents have to grapple with. We've got plenty of tips and tricks to help your home run more smoothly in our Organization track.  

Connect with Community


If you're looking for other like-minded homeschoolers to support you in your homeschooling journey, join our growing community of homeschool parents on Facebook and Instagram. You'll be glad you did!