Roots & Wings Online

Passion for Tech and Helping People

If you’re a Ladera Ranch Tech Support Facebook Group member, you’ve likely read a helpful post or comment by Ray Vanpraag. Tech Support Facebook Group founder Robert Lorenzo asked Ray if he’d answ...

Pups, Play and Puppuchinos

It was a chilly spring day for the heart-warming Paws in the Park event held at Town Green in Ladera Ranch Saturday, April 13. The annual event brought humans, canines, and the community together o...

LARMAC, Your HOA at Work

If you didn't get a chance to attend the March 13 open session LARMAC Board meeting, you likely missed the management report that presents updates on a range of capital, reserve, landscape, and pes...

Paws in the Park Comes to Town Green

Ladera Ranch will host a special social event to bring humans, canines, and the community together over their love for their pets. Paws in the Park offers plenty to bark about - for attendees and ...

Spring Delivers Joy in the Midst of Rain

Nothing could damper the spirit of fun and excitement that children and their families experienced at the Spring Celebration event held at Founders Park. The four-hour family event, held on Saturd...

LARMAC Honors Matt Plaxton

At its March 13 open session meeting, Ladera Ranch Maintenance Corporation (LARMAC) presented Matt Plaxton a token of appreciation for his service on the Board of Directors. Matt served on the LARM...

Small Actions Make a Big Impact

Tiffany Hayes enjoys strolling along the paseo in her neighborhood, where she has lived since the spring of 2004. Her home is located near a hill where many neighborhood kids like to play.  As a L...

Modeling Leadership for Young People

An election year presents an opportunity to connect with the young people in our lives. We can model empowering habits and skills to serve our children and young people we influence positively. In...

Ladera Ranch Pickleball, Party of 55

The Ladera Ranch Ladies Pickleball Club held its second annual Galentine’s event on February 29. The tournament was a round-robin format, and players changed partners throughout. Although standard...

Ladera Bunco Ladies Club Gets Rolling

The Ladera Bunko Ladies recently held a club get-together to mingle and play. The game was explained for the benefit of those who were new to the game. Once attendees got a sense of the game, the a...

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