The YMCA of Greater Houston partners with Big Brothers Big Sisters Lone Star - Greater Houston (BBBS) to offer a free citywide membership to all matched Bigs and Littles enrolled in the BBBS mentoring program. Membership gives you access to 26 YMCA locations throughout the Houston Area, and is valid for one year from date of YMCA enrollment. (You may renew yearly as long as you continue in an Active Match with BBBS).  If your match should close, your membership with YMCA will discontinue the month following the closure of your match. 

Membership is easy.  Fill out the form below and we'll mail you a YMCA membership application. You will take your application to a local YMCA to complete your enrollment.  Parents/Guardians must accompany the enrolled youth to the YMCA to complete their enrollment. Children under the age of 12 cannot utilize the YMCA facility without the presence of a Parent/Guardian or Big.

A Community Based match or a School-Based-PLUS match may attend the YMCA together.  Matches that are School-Based only and mentor 2.0 may not attend any YMCA together. Matches must abide by the defined BBBS program parameters for meeting with their Little.  If there are questions regarding your match type, please speak with your designated Match Support Specialist or Partnership Specialist.

We are grateful for this partnership with the YMCA and the benefit it provides to BBBS Bigs and Littles.  If there are questions or concerns, please contact Connie Gamble, Director of Match Service, via email at cgamble@bbbstx.org.

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