• Picture of a commercial greenhouse with hycinth plants in the foreground.

Join UNH Cooperative Extension and other experts to sharpen and refresh plant production skills.  These monthly webinars on a variety of topics are intended to provide practical training for greenhouse, nursery and garden center professionals, although all are welcome to attend. 
One New England pesticide applicator recertification credit has been applied for each event. 

Virtual Only | Zoom links will follow

Cost: $ 10 per webinar
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
>>Register for one, multiple or all of the interactive, Online Classes


2024 Class Dates

February 27 | Injector Adjustment | Speaker: Jonathan Ebba

Fertilizer injectors are widespread in the greenhouse industry, but how many of us are using them for greatest profitability (and sustainability)?  Improper injection can result in wasted fertilizer, poor crop quality, inaccurate timing, root/ foliar disease and even increased pest pressure.  This presentation will show us how to simply monitor and calibrate our injectors as well as adjust them “on the fly” during the growing season.  We will also look at a free phone app from UNH Extension that does the math for us!

March 26 | Mixing a Spray Tank | Speaker: Jonathan Ebba

Stopping in the middle of a spray to mix more pesticide, or finishing a spray with pesticide left over, is a pain. When we properly calculate, calibrate and mix spray applications we save money, reduce wasted time and wasted pesticide as well as improve our pest and disease control.

April 30 | Mycorrhizae | Speaker: Dr. Anissa Poleatewich

Mycorrhizae are fascinating “good” fungi that help plants find nutrients, fight off disease, resist stress and more.  Join us as we learn about these fungi, how to use them and new developments from Dr. Anissa Poleatewich, Senior Manager of Product Development for Mycorrhizal Applications.

June 25 | Growing Media (Types, components and attributes) | Speaker: Jonathan Ebba

Understanding our growing media (“potting soil”) can help reduce water problems, root disease and nutrient issues.  We will look at medium components and properties to help decide which medium to use, how to handle and water it and what to do when something changes.

July 30 | Considerations for Growing with Wood Fiber | Speakers: Jonathan Ebba & Mark Sanford

Potting media are containing more wood fiber due to peat shortages, sustainability issues and more.  While this relatively new component may be more affordable and more sustainable than some of the “old standbys”, growing with it requires different strategies for water and fertility management.  The last couple years have seen an increase in root rots and slow growth due to growers changing their medium without changing their management strategies.  Join Jonathan Ebba from UNH Extension and Mark Sanford from Oldcastle Lawn and Garden for this conversation about using potting mixes with wood fiber.

August 27 | Thielaviopsis  Control | Speaker: Dr. Bo Liu

Black Root Rot can hide in greenhouse crops, causing loss of vigor, stalled plants and crop loss.  You may be painfully aware of an outbreak, or you may not even know you have it!  Learn how to spot, prevent and control this disease.

September 24 |Injecting a Drench |  Speaker: Jonathan Ebba

Our fertilizer injectors can be handy tools to deliver fungicides, pesticides, biocontrols or PGRs to a potted crop.  Learn how to properly calculate, mix and deliver a drench using a proportional injector.

October 29 |Renewable Energy Sources for Greenhouse Environmental Control |  Speaker: Dr. Md Sazan Rahman

Managing the greenhouse environment is critical for the production of healthy, profitable plants.  When growers have more choices for affordable, sustainable environmental control they are able to produce healthier plants requiring fewer inputs.  Join Dr. Rahman to learn about some of the new ways growers can manage the greenhouse environment.

November 26 |Mealybug |  Speaker: Dr. Amber Vinchesi-Vahl

Mealybug can be a difficult, entrenched pest in greenhouse crops.  Learn about this pest and strategies to control it culturally, biologically and chemically.

December 17 |Fertilizer Selection Basics/ Water Analysis |  Speaker: Jonathan Ebba

Choosing the correct fertilizer is a foundational component to growing a successful crop.  Using the wrong fertilizer will result in decreased plant vigor, incorrect medium pH and increased incidence of root and foliar disease.  We will learn how to select fertilizer based on a water analysis.  This info will be applicable for all growers, even for those of us who grow a wide variety of crops.

If you have questions or would like assistance registering for or accessing the webinars, including language access, please contact Jonathan at Jonathan.Ebba@unh.edu or (603) 749-2529.
The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. UNH, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and New Hampshire counties cooperating. Direct inquiries to unh.civilrights@unh.edu.


Landscape & Greenhouse Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Landscape & Greenhouse
Office: Coop Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824