
Unified Comparison

Unified Comparison lets you interact with your post-trade system in completely new ways. Its flexible, automated workflow management will liberate break resolution, letting you choose precisely what you want to view and how you want to communicate with your clients. Unified Comparison is the nucleus for post-trade lifecycle management and a gateway into all the other PTS products available within EquiLend. By connecting to Unified Comparison, you will reduce downstream lifecycle noise and be positioned to adhere to future regulatory initiatives.

Global Investor/ISF Awards 2022
Best Post-Trade Service Provider Globally

How It Works

  • Fast connections for high performance

    Intra-day One File connectivity allows for fast data transfer, ensuring you are instantly connected to all your necessary content

  • Reduces clutter

    Unified Comparison is incredibly content rich, but with its dynamic filtering it allows you to focus on your key risk initiatives effortlessly. It aggregates the data so that you can get a more complete and succinct picture of all your client portfolios

  • Easy visibility

    What is the best way to improve your settlement rates or reduce your P&L issues? Unified Comparison helps you structure your workload. Priority columns direct you to fix your most important breaks first


Julien Delamare

Sales, Post-Trade Solutions
+44 20 4574 3272

Gabi Mantle

Head of Post-Trade Solutions
+44 203 023 8377