What's New in this Document

This document is released with the SLX-OS 20.5.3 software release.

The following changes were made to this document for this release.

Table 1. Changes for the current release
Feature Description Described in
OSPF Shortcuts Added a new section titled OSPF Shortcuts. This topic is applicable only for OSPFv2 and is not applicable for OSPFv3. OSPF Shortcuts for Label Switched Paths
AC Influenced DF Election (RFC8584) support Added new section to the EVPN multi-homing. AC influenced DF Election (RFC8584 Support)
BGP EVPN Multi Homing support for SLX 9740 and Extreme 8820 devices. Updated a note to indicate that EVPN Multi-homing is now supported on SLX 9740 and Extreme 8820. BGP EVPN Multi-homing
DHCP Relay Processing Added a topic Prevent Flooding of Broadcast Packets from the DHCP Relay Agent in the DHCPv4 Chapter. Prevent Flooding of Broadcast Packets from the DHCPv4 Relay Agent

For additional information, refer to the Extreme SLX-OS Release Notes for this version.