Energy CLASS Prize FAQ
Last Updated5/8/2024
CategoryQuestion #Date AddedQuestionAnswer
AwardsA.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQCould you clarify how all the prize money should be used after an LEA is selected and eligible?As this is a prize, it is ultimately up to the LEA how to best utilize the prize funds. The prize funds are intended to support the LEA in building staff capacity.
AwardsA.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQCan awards be requested to fund NEW positions or personnel? Like to hire a person under an existing energy education role that has not been staffed for a number of years?The prize is intended to help the LEA expand its staff capacity, whether through new staff, existing staff, upskilling staff, or rehiring staff. Furthermore, staff can be full-time or part-time. It's up to the discretion of the LEA.
AwardsA.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIf I'm doing my math correctly, 25 participants x $100,000 = $2.5M. And $50,000 x 25 particpants = 1250000. If there is $ 4.5M avaliable, where does the remaining funding go?Up to 25 prize participants may be eligible to receive $100,000 (Phase I) + $50,000 (Phase 2). Remaining prize funds are spent on training network related expenses and administrative costs.
AwardsA.41/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQCan travel during Phase 2 be paid for from a separate pot of money or from the $100,000 if we want to visit other LEAs as part of the trainings?It is up to the LEA to determine how to allocate and utilize the prize funding. LEAs are encouraged to use the funds to expand their staff's capacity. For many LEA's there are large or distributed areas that will need to be covered, so your LEA may want to consider using prize funds to cover travel. That is up to the discretion of your LEA and you do not need to report how prize funds were utilized.
AwardsA.51/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQCan the $100K and $50K prizes only be used for education/training or can they be used for capital project improvements?The Energy CLASS Prize is intended to build capacity for energy management in schools across the country through training and upskilling. Once awarded, LEAs may determine how to allocate and utilize the prize funding to best meet their needs. Prize winners that demonstrate progress on energy management plans during Phase 2 will be competitive for the Phase 2 Prize of $50,000.
AwardsA.61/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQYou mentioned sharing projects that you will do to improve energy consumption and air quality. To be clear this money is meant to pay for staff training not infrastucture?The Energy CLASS Prize is intended to build staff capacity for energy management in schools across the country through training and upskilling. Once awarded, LEAs may determine how to allocate and utilize the prize funding to best meet their needs. Prize winners that demonstrate progress on energy management plans during Phase 2 will be competitive for an additional $50,000.
AwardsA.71/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIs there only one $50K phase 2 prize available for the 25 selected LEAs in phase 1?Each of the 25 selected Phase I winners will be able to apply for and potientially receive a Phase II prize. The Phase II prize is $50,000 per selected LEA or LEA team.
AwardsA.81/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIs there any restriction on how I spend the cash prize funds?See response to question A.1
AwardsA.91/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIf a school District Administration is located in a City owned building can funds be used to infrastructure energy studies or is it limited to school buildings that house students?We encourage applicants to focus on facilities that house students, but we understand that an LEA might take an entire portfolio wide approach that includes both school facilities and administrative locations.
AwardsA.102/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWould an appropriate planned use of prize funds be to compensate staff for extra time spent training rather than support another staff member? Should we think about hiring a whole team rather than one person (the decision maker for financial and staffing decisions)?This prize is intended to build LEA staff capacity, but it is up to the discretion of the LEA how to utilize prize funds. Therefore it is up to the LEA to determine quantity of facility staff hired. If selected as a Prize winner, LEAs may choose to send more than one staffer to the Phase 2 trainings.
AwardsA.112/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQIs there a reporting tool for how the fund is spent?No. Unlike grants which have reporting requirements, the winner of the prize have full discretion over how prize funding may be used. There is no reporting required. (e.g., there is no restrictions on how and when prize funds are used, there are no administrative requirements related to the use of prize funds). Prize awardees do not have to abide by 2 CFR 200.
AwardsA.122/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWill awards be given out based on any other criteria than score? Will additional metrics such as geographic US region or rural/ suburban/ urban school, etc. that will effect scoring?These metrics are considered in the schools' Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools' reports and will help reviewers consider schools accross varying geographic, population density and needs' based considerations. Please reference Section 2.7 in the Official Rules document, entitled "How we determine winners" for specific criteria on how applications will be evaluated
AwardsA.132/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQDo the awards have to be spent on a LEA level employee or can the funds be used at the school staff level?It is up to the discretion of the LEA how to utilize this money, although it is intended to build staff capacity for facility and energy management within schools. The training participant should have the ability to implement projects and improvements, and take the learnings back to influence the LEA.
EligibilityE.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQI work for a non-profit that provides technical assistance to schools. Can a non-profit apply on behalf of multiple LEAs?You will need one LEA to be the team leader on the application, as we will need a LEA to allocate the prize funds to. Your organization's support to these schools or LEAs can be a powerful indicator of their commitment to take action. You'll want to provide a letter of support for the application. Additionally, we encourage competitors to include a clear defination of the roles and responsibilities between the identified energy champions and the piroritized schools.
EligibilityE.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQMy town recently approved a $188 ballot initiative to provide a number of structural upgrades for the school district's 13 aging buildings. Many buildings are more than 100 years old and do not have insulation or upgraded windows. The bond will pay to replace existing natural gas boilers with more efficient ones, but will not pay for insulation or any building envelope sealing or general energy efficiency measures, or electrification technologies, such as heat pumps. Would our district be considered for the Energy Class PRIZE, given that we will have some funding available for structural upgrades?Yes. In the technical narrative portion of the application, this is the type of information your LEA may want to highlight. We want to hear about successful funding efforts, challenges in funding or implementing, and better understand your schools' needs. This helps us better understand your LEA's needs and what areas of training could best benefit your LEA. In the Letters of Commitment or support, the LEA should also highlight related LEA actions that demonstrate a commitment to energy improvements, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, improved indoor air quality, and/or other related efforts.
EligibilityE.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQCan you please clarify how we show school is a 'designated community shelter'?This is one of the indicators in the Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools. This can be accessed at:, under "Related Resources".
EligibilityE.41/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQMy wife works at DOE. If I have a different member of my LEA be the application lead, could my LEA still apply?The organization would be eligible if the spouse of the DOE employee is not listed on the application
EligibilityE.51/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQDid I understand correctly, you will are looking more at school who have at least 50% free and reduced?One of the evaluation criteria for Phase 1 is "Need for Capacity Building" which will assess an LEA's current resources and overall needs as it relates to the prize. This category represents 33.3% of the overall scoring criteria of which submissions will be judged. The free and reduced lunch metric is only of many metrics (such as Title 1 schoolwide programming, and/or if your LEA includes a a designated community shelter) which will be used to inform this scoring crtiera. For more information see official rules page 11 and 14.
EligibilityE.61/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQUltimately, the final submission must come from the LEA and not a nonprofit that is partnered with them?Yes. See response to question E.1 for more information.
EligibilityE.71/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat is included as an LEA?Eligible entities include any U.S. Local Educational Agency, or LEA. An LEA refers to a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary or secondary schools within a state, or of or for a combination of school districts or counties as are recognized in a state as an administrative agency for its public elementary and secondary schools.[1] LEA has the meaning given in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). LEAs that contain Charter schools are eligible to apply.
EligibilityE.81/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWe are a JPA (joint powers authority) in California and owned by five school districts and provide transportation services to over 13 local school districts. We operate as a school district and considered a LEA for several things. Would we be eligible for purposes of this award?See definition of LEA provided in the question E.7. In this specific case, it sounds like your JPA provides a service or function for these LEAs or schools and is a public governmental organization acting as a LEA in many capacities. The key would be to make sure that your JPA meets the definition given in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 USC 7801) and that the JPA is responsible for overseeing facility, energy and/or air-quality decisions for the schools within those LEAs.
EligibilityE.91/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQHow are LEAs defined? Do they include just public schools, or do they also include charter schools and/or private schools?LEAs are defined in the response to question E.7. Private schools, daycares, preschools, community colleges, colleges, and universities are NOT eligible for the Energy CLASS Prize. The following types of schools are eligible if they qualify as public, K-12 schools, and are part of an application from their LEA: traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and virtual schools with qualifying infrastructure.
EligibilityE.101/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQAn LEA is roughly equivalent to a school district, but a single campus charter school, for example, can also be an LEA if it is a stand-alone organization?Charter schools that have their own independent LEA may apply, as may any LEAs that may only have a single school. In those cases, however they may want to consider teaming with other LEAs so that staff can have an impact on at least three schools.
EligibilityE.1111/10/2022Can individuals apply?No, only LEAs can apply to the prize. Individuals can supply letters of support for a LEA that applies.
EligibilityE.1212/20/2022Are individual schools or facilities eligible to apply?The prize is only open to U.S. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs). Individual facilities/schools are not generally eligible for the Energy CLASS Prize, unless they are also a LEA (see official rules, page 6) in of themselves.
EligibilityE.1311/10/2022Can Charter Schools apply?LEAs that contain charter schools may apply.
EligibilityE.1411/10/2022Can Multiple LEAs apply together as a team?Yes. However, submissions with multiple LEAs must designate a lead LEA (HeroX "Team Captain) who will receive 100% of the funding if the team wins. Funding may be divided among team members post-award. Further sharing of funds after the initial payment from NREL to winning team is beyond the sphere of control of the prize administrator.
EligibilityE.1511/10/2022Are Parent Teacher Association eligible to apply?No, only LEAs can apply to the prize. PTAs and other related groups are welcome to partner and/or provide a letter of support to the primary LEA applicant.
EligibilityE.1611/10/2022Are 501C3s that are not themselves LEAs eligible to apply?No, only LEAs can apply to the prize. 5013c and other related groups are welcome to partner and/or provide a letter of support to the primary LEA applicant.
EligibilityE.1711/22/2022Can a LEA be on more than one application?No, an LEA may only submit a singular application.
EligibilityE.1811/22/2022Can a LEA can be the lead on more than one application?No, an LEA can only be the lead on one application.
EligibilityE.1911/22/2022If our LEA has an existing energy management team, can our LEA still apply?Yes. If your LEA has facility and/or energy management staff, the LEA may still apply. In the application the LEA should demonstrate why despite having the staff there remains a need for additional staff or capacity in the LEA and / or at prioritized schools.
EligibilityE.2012/20/2022If my LEA and/or prioritized schools within my LEA are not located in a disadvantaged community, are we still eligible to compete?The requirement of serving disadvantaged communities is not a part of the overall eligibility for the prize (see official rules, page 6.) but is represented in the judging criteria for the Phase 1 award (See page 14 of the rules, criterion 1).

All U.S. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) who meet the eligibility criteria (see official rules, page 6) are eligible to apply for the Energy CLASS Prize.
EligibilityE.212/21/2023If my LEA has schools with NCES codes other than 41, 42, and 43, are we still eligible for the Energy CLASS prize?Yes, you are still eligible. The NCES code will not disqualify a team as it is not a part of eligibility (see official rules page 6). The NCES codes are one factor which will be evaluated under Criterion 1 "Need for Capacity Building" (see rules, page 14), but any U.S. LEA may apply and be eligible for a prize regardless of NCES codes of their district.
EligibilityE.221/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIn Pennsylvania, we have LEA's called Intermediate Units, which represent several School Districts, some of which are EJ Schools, some of which are not. Can we apply as a collective, and identify the priority schools within that collective to be trained?Yes, LEAs that are collectively applying as a team are eligible applicants, however competitors must designate a lead LEA for their application. Some LEAs may have a mix of disadvantaged schools and those that are not. Demonstrating your need by prioritizing atleast three disadvantaged schools will help us evaluate how these skills can be used to benefit the neediest schools.
EligibilityE.232/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWould an Area Education Agency in Iowa, that supports and serves School District be included in the Energy CLASS Prize?See definition of LEA provided in the question E.7.
EligibilityE.242/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWould the following type be eligible: a nonpublic school that is under a nonprofit organization and receives title I services?See definition of LEA provided in the question E.7.
EligibilityE.252/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQWe are a statewide LEA of only charter schools. Only one of our charter schools is currently interested. Am I correct that we would have to have three schools participate?We're asking that LEAs provide 3 example schools in their Phase 1 submission. If you have only a single school which you would be looking to engage with, please indicate this in your submission.
EligibilityE.262/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQCan a school network of two schools apply or is (3) schools the minimum?Since the LEA is applying, the number of schools in the LEA does not make a difference. We ask for 3 school profiles in order to understand the types of schools you plan to address in your submission. If you are a smaller school district, with under 3 schools, you can still apply. We encourage you to note this in your technical narrative. You can also consider teaming up with other LEAs.
EligibilityE.272/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQI believe we are considered an LEA. I have checked and we have an NCES ID number assigned to our agency. Would that suffice?Yes, that will suffice.
EligibilityE.282/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQWe are considered to be a 'rich' district, but we still struggle for resources. Is this a reason to be disqualified?Please include these details of your schools' need in the technical narrative. This is not grounds for disqualification.
Energy ChampionsEC.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIf LEA's facilities are maintained by the municipality (not the school district), can the person identified to take training be a municipal vs. school staff person?The prize funds can only be awarded to the LEA. In a situation where facilities are maintained by the municipality, it is up to the LEA to work closely with the municipality to determine who is best fit to attend the trainings and coaching.
Energy ChampionsEC.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIs the expectation that if someone is hired as a Champion, that they will continue to work for the LEA longer than the one year period of performance?The Energy CLASS Prize is an opportunity for participating LEAs to build up staff capacity in energy and facility management. Because energy costs represent the second largest expense facing America's public schools, the LEA may find that using these skills can help save money, while simultaneously making schools more sustainable and improving learning environments for students. It is, however, up to the LEA to determine its staffing and how to allocate prize funds.
Energy ChampionsEC.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQFor applying, can a champion represent a number of local LEAs that would benefit from training? Our jurisdiction has small districts that have been actively working with our agency for the past 5 years. It seems that it must be only an LEA to apply which would not happen without our assistance.Yes, multiple LEAs can be serviced by the Energy Champion. Please describe the LEAs that will benefit on your application. Additionally, one of the key criteria used to evaluate applications is 'Likelihood of Success.' Any agency or organization that may play a critical role in supporting and implementing energy or facility upgrades is encouraged to demonstrate their support through a Letter of Support.
Energy ChampionsEC.42/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQCan your team of energy champions include 10 people such as operations/facilities and maintenance staff?We are currently finalizing our professional development training curriculum. This will drive how many folks can engage. Please stay tuned for more information on trainings.
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat is the link for the Energy Justice map?The Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools can be accessed at:
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQI Google the Energy Justice Map and found the URL, but it leads to an error. In other words, its the link that doesn't work, no typos in URLThe Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools can be accessed at:
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat if your school is not listed on Energy Justice map?Applicants who are unable to locate and generate a pdf report from the Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools (, are required to use the “Energy Justice Report” template to generate a one-page maximum report. Please note, applicants should only use this template if they are unable to locate their school within the Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools. This template can be found on HeroX:
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.41/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat should I do if the Energy Justic Mapping Tool isn't working?See response to question EJ.3 or email us at
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.61/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat if our school district is not listed on the energy justice map?See response to question EJ.3
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.71/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat should I do if I can’t locate my school, or are having other technical difficultly in the Energy Justice Tool for Schools?See response to question EJ.3
Energy Justice Mapping Tool for SchoolsEJ.82/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQRegarding the Energy Justic Mapping Tool for Schools, should reports for all identified schools in a district be included? Or are we supposed to target specific EJ schools in our application? Our application would ultimately be for a new FTE that serves the whole district, of which only a handful are identified within the EJ mapping tool.You do not have to include reports for all identified schools in the district. While we ask for a minimum of 3 school reports and the district report, you can elaborate on your overall need and vision for how you will use the prize funding to create impact within your district. If schools aren't in the EJ tool, but the LEA would like to highlight them in the application, use the EJ school template found here:
LEAs are encouraged to further illustrate their need in the technical narrative portion of the application. This template provides prompts that may be helpful:
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat’s the first thing I should do if I’m interested in the Energy CLASS Prize?Check out the Energy CLASS website. Clicking on the “Follow the Challenge” button takes you to the CLASS Prize HeroX platform, connecting you to deeper layers of information, where you can see innovators and teams already involved, read the official rules, and find all things CLASS Prize—from the timeline to guidelines to entry form. Clicking “Follow” at the top-right of the CLASS Prize HeroX platform and registering with your name and email address will ensure you receive future prize updates by email.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhat do I do if I want to enter the competition or just see what the process is like?After you have registered on the HeroX platform, you’ll still need to click on “Solve this Challenge” and accept the competitor agreement in order to access the full capabilities of the website. Clicking on “Solve the Challenge” does not commit you to entering the competition, but it will allow you to see who is competing or looking for team members, or to set up a team yourself. That way, you can fully use the HeroX platform, and you can begin an entry or join a team at any time.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQThe website shows “Teams” and “Innovators.” What’s the difference? Do I have to join a team?“Innovators” include everyone who registered for the competition (whether to follow or to enter). “Teams” are competitors who are either groups or individuals with a designated leader. Once you have clicked “Solve this Challenge”, you’ll be able to create your own team, ask to join a team looking for additional members, or compete individually. You do not have to be part of a team to submit an entry, and you can create or join a team later if you change your mind. Check out the growing list of Teams on the HeroX platform and you’ll see Innovators looking for Teams and Teams looking for Innovators.
If you do want to be part of a team, click either “Join a Team” or “Find a Team” on the Teams page of the HeroX platform to see which teams or individual innovators are looking for partners. From there, you can add yourself to a team or create one of your own.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.41/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWhere do I upload my files?All of your files are uploaded as part of the submission form, access this by clicking the Begin Entry button. The submission form contains an upload option for each of the required file entries. Only PDF files will be accepted for upload.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.52/21/2023How do I submit an application?After you have registered on the platform, you’ll click on “Solve this Challenge” and accept the competitor agreement in order to access the full capabilities of the website. Clicking on “Solve the Challenge” does not commit you to entering the competition, but it will allow you to see who is competing or looking for team members, or to set up a team yourself. That way, you can fully use the HeroX platform, and you can begin an entry or join a team at any time.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.61/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQShould the "Team Name" be the name of our LEA or are you looking for a fun name submission?You can use the name of your LEA or you can choose to use a name that highlights part of the story your application is seeking to tell, such as who your team is, why you have a need for these skills, or what your goals are.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.71/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQDoes the LEA have to submit or can our team submit it on their behalf?It must be an eligible LEA that submits, not just a letter of support from the LEA.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.82/15/2023What is the role of the Team Lead?The person who is listed as the Team Lead will be the primary contact person for the prize and will receive communications about Phase 2 as well as to help facilitate any award cash payments. Team Leads do not need to be the primary implementor or Energy Champion. Teams are welcome to loop in other members of your team as needed.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.91/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIs there a “partner list” for LEA’s to reference when looking for organizations to support efforts?Some applicants may choose to apply as a single LEA and others may choose to team up with other LEAs and/or third party organizations. There isn't a preference given to either. Seperately, we ask for "Letters of Commitment" that demonstrate the LEA's commitment to building or facility upgrades, other relevant organizations (such as school boards, teachers, etc.) and from the community. Please note this is different than the Renew America's Schools FOA which does have specific Teaming Partner Lists.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.101/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQIs part of Department of Energy and are both Renew America's Schools FOA and EnergyCLASS administered through HeroX is a platform frequently used by the DOE and other federal entities to administer prizes and challenges. While Energy CLASS prize is hosted on HeroX, the Renew America's Schools FOA is run through the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)'s funding exchange. Links to both and additional resources can be found here:
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.112/15/2023Is there a mechanism for interested but ineligible entities to connect with LEAs that are planning to apply?The best place to connect with competitors is via the HeroX Forum and once prize winners are announced, they will be posted on HeroX and you will have the ability to direct message competitors.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.122/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQDo you need to be an innovator and then join a team?Please see response to question H.3
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.132/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQDo team members all need to be employed by the LEA or can there also be community partners?The primary applicant to the Energy CLASS Prize should be a trusted LEA leader or staff member, as prize funds will only be allocated only to selected winners that are valid employees of the LEA and can receive the funds on its behalf. The team lead is responsible for further delegation and/or allocation of funds. Teams may want to include a clear defination of the roles and responsibilities between the lead LEA applicant and the other participants on the team. The DOE does not oversee how prize funds are allocated after being awarded. To apply you can have a single applicant from the LEA or additional stakeholders, LEA staff or partners that join on the application. Third party participation in the application process can demonstrate an LEA's commitment to engaging key stakeholders around making tangible upgrades to their schools and/or accross their district. Letters of support are also encouraged.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.142/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQShould our Team Lead be the same person as the Lead on our application? Such as our school district’s superintendent?No, the Superintendent does not need to be the one to submit an application, although they can. An application should be submitted by someone working for LEA (on behalf or with permission of).
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.152/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQAm I correct that the LEA has to be the fiscal agent? The charter school(s) interested could not serve as the fiscal agent?The LEA is the primary competitor and the entity we would make a prize payment to should they be selected as a winner of the prize.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.162/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQDoes applying require a unique identifier number?No, you do not need to include a unique idenfiication number in your application as this is a prize not a grant. The forms we require are for payment should an LEA be choosen as a winner of the Prize. These forms include a ACH form, W-9, and prize acceptance form for payment.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.172/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQIs HeroX a single platform or is it associated with .gov sites?HeroX is a stand alone platform used by NREL and many other organizations. It is not a government (.gov) website.
How to Enter/ HeroX ApplicationH.182/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQDoes a project lead have to submit the application or can a grant writer submit on behalf of our district?You application should be submitted by someone working for LEA (a representative of / with permission of).
OtherO.11/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQAre students allowed to participate or those who have interest in Energy Careers?This prize is intended to build capacity for LEA staff in energy and facility management to help disadvantaged schools reduce their energy expenses and have healthier classrooms that facilitate learning. While students can't directly participate in the Energy CLASS prize trainings, the DOE does encourage LEAs to engage students in learning about building science and energy. Please feel free to include any educational components your LEA may be considering providing to children.
OtherO.21/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQFor greater clarity, could we add this to our Curriculum for students? Similarly to those students who are able to graduate with a HS diploma in addition to an Associates Degree for Allied Health careers and etc.Many of the skills being taught are specific to facility and energy management for schools, so students may be better served by educational materials that teach the fundamental skills around building science. There are publically available resources, which can be found here:
OtherO.31/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQWill you be sending a PDF of the presentation?You can access a recording and slides of an informational webinar on the Energy CLASS prize at:
OtherO.411/10/2022I have a question that was not answered in the FAQ. Who can I contact?If you have a question not answered in the FAQ, we recommend that you post it in the Forum where someone will respond to you. This way, others who may have the same question will be able to see it. Alternatively, you can email us at
OtherO.511/10/2022Who's behind the prize?The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the Prize Administrator for the American-Made Challenges. In this capacity, NREL works closely with the U.S. Department of Energy to administer the challenges, maintain the website platform, assist in building the network, and pay prize money to the winning teams.
OtherO.62/15/2023Are future rounds of the prize planned?Currently, there are no future rounds of the Energy CLASS prize approved or announced. Should future rounds of the prize be announced, we will post the information on HeroX.
OtherO.72/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWould this grant opportunity also include radon mitigation?This prize focuses on building capacity for energy and facility management in schools. It is up to the discretion of your LEA if radon mitigation is a priority. There is no resctricton on how prize awards are used.
OtherO.82/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQIs this the first time for an Energy CLASS Prize? If not, can you share a few of what has been awarded in the past?This is the first Energy CLASS Prize!
OtherO.92/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWhere our Agency is located in Iowa, there are no energy assessment consultants for businesses/educational buildings?If selected as a winner of the Energy CLASS Prize, LEA staff will receive training and coaching around energy assessment. We hope to build up this capacity in LEAs where there is a real need for these capacities. Applicants may choose to highlight lack of existing skills in their area or amongst staff as a way of demonstrating need based on existing resources and capacity. See the technical narrative template for additional guidance:
OtherO.102/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQAre you saying this is not a grant, and it is truly a prize?Yes, it is a prize. Not a grant.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.12/15/2023What is the word count limit of the Phase 1 Technical Narrative?The word count limit of the technical narrative is 2,500 words.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.22/15/2023Who should the letters of support be addressed to?Letters of support can be addressed to the "Energy CLASS Prize Administration Team".
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.32/21/2023Is there a limit on the dimensions for the one-page summary slide?There is no limit on dimensions for the one-page summary slide. As a reminder, we will ask you to convert your PowerPoint slide to PDF when submitting your application on HeroX.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.42/27/2023Should the cover page be included in the technical narrative pdf or saved as a separate file? Does the cover page count toward the 2,500-word count limit of the technical narrative?You will submit the cover page and the technical narrative as separate PDF files on the HeroX platform. The cover page does not count toward the 2,500 word-count limit of the technical narrative.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.51/3/2023 - Informational Webinar FAQDo the 3 schools profiled need to be in disadvantaged or rural communities? OK if some are, but not all 3?If proposing schools that are not identified as disadvantaged or rural, please make sure to demonstrate the schools' need.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.62/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQThe rules document mentions that there is a template for the summary slide, but it also says “make your own.” Is there a link, template, or prescribed format for the slide?There is not a template for the summary slide, although there are guidelines listed in the official rules submission package. Other template resources are also listed here:
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.72/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQCan you give us some examples of different projects we turn in for this?The intent of the Energy CLASS Prize is to build capacity for energy management in schools across the country through training and upskilling. In the Phase I applications, LEAs should demonstrate their need for building staff capacity in energy and facility management, show stakeholder support, and demonstrate their liklihood of success by providing examples and highlighting specific schools and situations. At the end of Phase II, participating LEA staff will present a final deliverable that can serve as a pathway to school improvements.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.82/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQSince this is a separate application process from the Renew America's Schoos grant, is it okay to include items in the phase 1 statement of need that we don’t yet have funding for? For example, we want to replace ceiling and floor tiles that had asbestos and to improve energy efficiency, but we don’t yet have funding for this.Yes, identifying projects that you'd like to target can help establish your intentions. This prize will provide your LEA with resources that help with stakeholder engagement and fund-braiding, which can both contribute to your long-term success at funding those upgrades.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.92/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQWould there be an application benefit to adding to our educational curriculum through the training received in this program?Please reference the Phase 1 Scoring Criteria in the Official Rules document. The rules can be found here:
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.102/7/2023 - Office Hour FAQThe three schools we provide as a "snapshot" - will those form the basis / content of the staff's learning / training experience - as examples for capacity building?The school and district level reports help us determine your LEA's level of need. The technical narrative provides an additional pathway for the team to demonstrate their current staff capacity and further expand on their need and commitment to making long-term tangible facility upgrades. See the technical narrative template for more information:
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.112/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQWhat is required in the letter of support from say a local power company?We don't specify what the letters of support must include. If you see section 2.6 of the rules, and scroll down to the "Letters of Commitment and Support" section for a description.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.122/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQCan you apply for an entire district or do you have to identify 3 specific schools? The training would support folks that work at all of our schools.We ask for you to submit on behalf of entire school district and identify 3 specific school profiles, at a minimum, to help us understand in detail the type of schools impacted and the schoools' need. Our priority is building capacity across the LEA. If your LEA does not have 3 schools, please indicate this in your submission.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.132/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQThe narrative notes 2500 words; 5 page max "+" optional photos, etc. Could you clarify, are pages of photos included in the total of 5 pages?Photos do not count against the 2500 word count limit.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.142/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQAs a state energy office, how can we provide support to our school districts?We encourage this through Letters of Commitment and Support in a submission. Commitment from a state energy office could prove and illustrate an LEAs' commitment and ability to get projects done in the long-term.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.152/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQWhen we provide 3 schools profiles, do we need to provide projects in plan or stay what we expect to receive down the road?You are asked to pull a minimum of 3 school profiles using the Energy Justice Mapping Tool for Schools. You do not need to included planned projects.
Phase 1: ApplicationPH1.162/16/2023 - Office Hour FAQHow many letters of support are allowed?We do not specific a limit for number of letters of support. Letters of support should be 1 page in length and we ask you to combine your letters of support into a single PDF when you upload them to HeroX.