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LRSD Senior Survey
Please provide feedback to your high school about services received these last four years.   Your school would love to have information about your post high school plans, please complete this survey prior to your last day of school. Please provide an email that isn't connected to LRSD so that we can make contact with you once you graduate.
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What is your name? *
What is your student Id? *
Please select your School
Email at which you can be reached after graduation
Date of Birth
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Home Phone
Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Name and email
Have you taken ACT?
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If Yes, what was your highest composite ACT score
Have you taken SAT?
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If Yes, what was your highest composite SAT score
Have you taken ACCUPLACER?
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If Yes, what was your highest ACCUPLACER score?
Have you taken ASVAB?
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If yes, what was your highest ASVAB score?
Would you like information to join the high school alumni association?
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What are you planning on doing post-graduation? Select one option. You will be asked to elaborate on your chosen post-graduation plan in the questions below.
Have you completed the FAFSA
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Have you visited ADHE Scholarship Application Management System website to complete Arkansas Challenge Scholarship?
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Intended Major if attending college or trade school?
Have you earned any scholarships? (Please turn in a copy of scholarship award letter to guidance office at least 2 weeks before graduation. 
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If you indicated Career Tech School, please list which ones you have applied  and area of study?
If you indicated that you will pursue a apprenticeship- Please provide where and what program?
If you indicated that you will be enlisting in the military (Please provide copy of your enlistment form to school counselor. Your enlistment may be announced at graduation). 
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Please identify the Branch, enlistment date and ship out date.
If you indicated that you will go to work (Please see your Career Coach if this is your plan and you are not employed.) Do you currently have a job?
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Please indicate whether your job is full-time or part-time
Where are you employed?
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