Denver Moves: Bikes Update

Project Overview

Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) has launched Denver Moves: Bikes Update, a citywide planning effort to update DOTI's recommended bike network, which was last updated in 2015 ( This update will help DOTI build more comfortable and connected bikeways and develop an ongoing program to upgrade Denver's existing bikeways over time.

What Is The Denver Bike Network?

Generic image of Denver Bike Network map

The Denver Moves: Bikes Plan is a map of all the existing and recommended bikeways across the city of Denver. Planning out where and what types of bikeways we want to build citywide helps DOTI ensure that our future network is connected, comfortable, and gets you where you need to go! By creating a plan now, we'll also be able to build new bikeways and upgrade existing ones more quickly and more cost-effectively when funding becomes available.

The Denver Bike Network is made up of five types of bikeways: protected bike lanes, neighborhood bikeways, trails/shared-use paths, buffered bike lanes, and bike lanes. Local and national research has shown that protected bike lanes, neighborhood bikeways, and trails/shared-use paths are safer and more comfortable for people bicycling and riding scooters. We call these three types of bikeways "high comfort facilities" and prioritize building these facilities over others where it's possible to do so.

Examples of High Comfort Bikeways including Neighborhood Bikeways, Trails & Shared-Use Paths, Protected Bike Lanes, Bike Lanes and Buffered Bike Lanes

Project Schedule

Denver Moves: Bikes Update Project Timeline graphic

Public Engagement Process

The project will extend through December 2024 and will include citywide public meetings, online mapping tools and community surveys, and grassroots engagement in partnership with local community members. The project is broken into two phases; an assessment phase and a recommendation phase.

  • Public Outreach Phase #1 will introduce the project, crowd source existing conditions, and seek feedback on how we should make changes to the existing Denver Bike Network (October-December 2023).
  • Public Outreach Phase #2 will share community feedback from Phase 1 and gather feedback on the new recommended bikeway network, as well as plans for where future design and construction projects may occur (anticipated Summer 2024).

When complete, the updated plan will guide a future vision and provide tangible recommendations for bicycle network improvements across the city.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access past meetings and contact DOTI project staff?

Recordings of past public meetings for this project can be found on the project website:

To contact the project team please email or call (720) 865-9378 (English & Español).

What does Phase II of this project involve?

Phase II of this project entails processing the community input that was received in phase I and combining this input with additional data including traffic volumes, vehicle speeds, and crash history, in order to begin making changes to the proposed bike network. The community will be able to give their input on these draft network changes in the Summer of 2024.

Do other cities have similar types of plans like this?

Cities of similar size including Seattle, WA; Boston, MA; Austin, TX; Minneapolis, MN; Albuquerque, NM; and more have adopted citywide bicycle plans like Denver Moves: Bikes. For more information on bicycle planning efforts nationwide, the League of American Bicyclists ( tracks state, community, university, and business efforts to encourage cycling through their Bicycle Friendly America Program. There are currently 506 Bicycle Friendly Communities nationwide, ranging from Platinum to Bronze. Denver is rated Silver.

How is safety considered in the goals of this plan?

This project’s goals are directly tied to the goals of Denver’s citywide strategic transportation plan Denver Moves Everyone. Safety is one of the five main goals of both plans. Denver Moves: Bikes will analyze crash history across the city to inform improvements to the proposed bike network that will improve safety for all roadway users. We will also analyze locations with high crash risk – this takes into account locations where crashes have not occurred yet, but the conditions are such that improvements could reduce risk of crashes occurring. The final version of this plan will have specific metrics on reducing crashes that the city will strive to achieve by 2050, particularly for crashes involving people walking and biking.

How is community input from the map being incorporated into the project?

The community input we receive through the survey, online map, emails, and meetings with community members is one of the main sources of data the project team will use to make changes to the proposed bikeway network and identify existing bikeways to upgrade. Both unique comments as well as up and down votes on these comments will be weighed to identify needed network changes. In addition to community input the project team will used data such as traffic volumes, vehicle speeds, crash history, and more to decide on the locations for future bikeways, identify the appropriate type of bikeway for each roadway, and identify bikeways in need of upgrades.

I did not see my comment posted on the online map immediately after I submitted it, why?

There may be two reasons you did not see your comment posted on the map right away. The first is that the platform we use utilizes auto-moderation for certain language detected in a post or for any comments posted with images attached. We regularly go through and approve these auto-moderated comments so they should appear on the map within a week or two of posting if they have been auto moderated.

The second reason you may have seen a comment disappear from the map is that we received such an outpouring of community feedback on the online map immediately after it launched that the number of comments exceeded the default “max loading” of comments that would appear on the map platform. Since then, we have rectified the issue so that all comments appear on the map. Your comment has been recorded and should now be visible.

Are you coordinating with other organizations?

Yes. We are coordinating with many different partner organizations across the city to spread the word about the project, help us reach community members, and to seek input from relevant organizations themselves. We’ve been coordinating directly with staff from Denver Parks and Recreation, Denver Community Planning & Development, the Denver Streets Partnership, Bicycle Colorado, VAMOS, and many more.

How does DOTI determine where to build new bikeways and intersection improvements and what data is used in this decision-making process?

For the past several years, DOTI has been building bikeways through the Community Transportation Network (CTN) program. This program is rapidly expanding the buildout of small, complete networks in Denver by focusing on specific neighborhoods. Central Denver, Northwest Denver, and South Central Denver networks have all been planned and designed. DOTI constructed more than 50 miles of bikeways in 2023 through the CTN program and will build many more in the coming years.

The Denver Moves: Bikes Update project will help DOTI develop some new features of its bike program, including a program to upgrade existing bikeways to align with DOTI’s new bikeway standards.

How are pedestrians considered in the goals of this plan/

This project’s goals are directly tied to the five goals of Denver’s citywide strategic transportation plan Denver Moves: Everyone – Equity, Mobility, Safety, Sustainability, Community, and Quality. DOTI is dedicated to improving safety for people walking, rolling, and biking via all of its planning efforts. Denver Moves: Pedestrians & Trails details specific projects and programs to improve pedestrian facilities.

While this plan focuses on improving the citywide bike network, bikeway improvements offer safety benefits for people walking and rolling as well. Developing new trails and shared use paths and upgrading existing ones through widening or pavement maintenance is mutually beneficial for people walking, rolling, and biking. Moreover, creating new bikeways and installing traffic calming infrastructure has added benefits for people walking and rolling. They provide an additional horizontal and vertical buffer between sidewalks and vehicle traffic, which often enhances pedestrian comfort. Traffic calming treatments like mini roundabouts and curb extensions encourage safer speeds in neighborhoods – especially at intersections – and improve visibility of people walking and rolling while shortening crossing distances.

Will intersection improvements recommended in this plan also improve safety for pedestrians and reduce conflicts between all modes of travel (walking, biking, driving, etc.)?

Yes, pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as reducing conflicts for all modes of travel, will be a major consideration of any intersection improvements that are recommended in this plan. However, this plan is a longer-term, citywide plan focused on developing a roadmap for DOTI’s bicycle program and most intersection recommendations will remain higher-level in this plan. DOTI’s Vision Zero program and the pedestrian intersection program also specifically identify and install intersection improvement projects. These projects are selected from robust data analysis to identify high crash locations and locations with high crash risk factors.

Will sidewalks be improved through this project?

This project will not, however, Ballot Measure 307, which passed last year, will support construction of a complete sidewalk network in Denver. You can learn more about Ballot Measure 307 here: