• English
  • Español
  • Português
  • ગુજરાતી
  • 中文
  • 한국어
The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and the New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families have partnered to create this survey to learn about individuals with disabilities and their families' awareness of the organizations and government agencies that have resources available to help them. We also would like to ask about your experience with the supports, services, training, technical assistance, or resources provided by those organizations.

This survey is for individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and their family members and will be available in English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, and Gujarati. Individual responses will remain anonymous, but will be shared in total to help improve our outreach and services.

If there are any questions about the survey or if you need any assistance in completing it, please contact Kerry McGrath at kerry.mcgrath@njcdd.org or (609)-984-4516. A live interpreter is available upon request.

Thank you for taking the time to help inform us on our outreach efforts and improving our services and supports for individuals with I/DD and their families!