Watch Rock n Roll Book Club Show + Pointy Birds songs live!

Blimey that was fun.   Thanks Tony Gleed for having me at your wonderful Rock n Roll book club which doubled up as a belated book launch for Anoint My Head, 18 months after publishing.  You are a lovely, warm host and have fanned the flames of my rock ‘n’ roll delusions to dangerously hot levels. And thanks if you came along/laughed/heckled/sung along. It’s totally gone to my head and I can feel my inner Horace rise. Must keep him at bay. Must keep him at bay. Must keep him at bay.  If you didn’t make it along you can watch below from the comfort of your sofa.  There is an interview, chat, readings, Q&A, plus I picked up the plectrum for the first time since 1993 and sang 7 Pointy Birds songs.  Some might say that is 7 too many…

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