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About Chugach Educational Corporation

Anchorage, Alaska

Chugach Optional Elementary began in 1973 and is the oldest optional program in Anchorage. Proud of its history, Chugach Optional’s strong program has inspired students in a supportive and exciting learning environment for several generations. Through our optional curriculum, we work to foster a joy of learning that extends beyond the classroom. We encourage the development of critical thinking and self-directed learning. We meet these goals by collaborating with our staff and families while providing ongoing staff professional development.

Philosophy of Chugach

Our philosophy is based on the following beliefs and assumptions:

  • Children are naturally curious, want to learn, and can learn
  • Instruction should be child-centered, that is, responsive to the special interests and aptitudes of each child
  • The learning environment should nurture growth of the whole child, emphasizing physical, emotional, and academic development
  • The joy of learning lies in meeting challenges, discovering new territory and gaining knowledge through experience
  • Children who share responsibility for their own learning and are encouraged to think independently will grow into self-directed responsible adults