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Heroin is one of the most common used drugs all around the world. Heroin is one of the most addicting drugs (“What Is Heroin? Drug Facts, Effects, Use”). Herion is part of drugs called opioids. Some opioids include pain relievers such as Codeine, Oxycodone, and hydrocodone (1). It is a cause for millions of overdoses and other Bactria from people sharing and using the same needle (1). In 2019, 70% of drug overdose was from opioids, and 14,000 of those deaths were from the use of heroin and it has only continued to increase (1). There are ways to solve this problem and helping people seek treatment for opioid misuse and treating people by medication (1). 

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 There are long-term effects when you use heroin or any opioids “What Are the Long-Term Effects of Heroin Use?”  creates long term effects by misbalancing the neuronal and hormonal system (1). Studies that have been done show that there are deterioration of the brain's white matter due to the use of heroin. This is affecting people's decision-making abilities, and the ability to regulate behavior and responses to stressful situations (1). Herion also increases rage and anger in a person, and one might not even mean to do what they do (1)

One solution people can do to help with their addiction is talk to someone and maybe go to a rehab center (Heroin Overdose Data). But, you must want to be helped; it is up to you to open up (1). People can tell you what to do, but are you going to do it? you must be willing to give up on your addiction and get help (1). When people stop using drugs, when they quit using drugs, they start having bad withdraws and this makes it extremely hard for people to stop using drugs (1). 

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Why would the cure be hidden

Another reason that the government could be hiding the cure for cancer is  overpopulation. The government could be hiding the cure to cancer to reduce the amount of people who survive cancer. The ratio of surviving pancreatic cancer is 7% in a five-year period: "This could be because the earth is overpopulated, and the government is limiting the amount of people who survive cancer to attempt to balance the population out without looking like the bad guy” (Kaufman 1).  The government cures some people to convince the public that they are trying to find the cure. The truth is they already have the cure, and the government is hiding it from the eyes of the public.

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Carl heart was born On October 30th, 1966, He is In American Physiologist and neuroscientists (“Carl Hart: Drug Use for Grown-Ups.”). Hart is known for his research on drug abuse and drug addiction (1). Hart is also one of the first tenured African American Professors of sciences at Columbia university (1). Hart grew up in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Miami which is known to be one of the most dangerous places in the U.S(1). And Hart in high school would sell drugs and was involved with high school sports and growing up he was raised by a single mother then when hart got out of school, he went into the United States Air Force (1).

Then Hart would go on to earn his Bachelor of science degree in psychology from the University of Maryland and earned his master's of science in 1994 and earned his PHD in 1996(“Carl Hart, PhD.”). Hart Has also written two books one is called High Price and the other book is called Drug use for Grown-ups and he co-authored with (1). Chrles Ksir on an introductory textbook called Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior (1).

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In the book that Hart wrote Drug use for Grown-ups. Hart says that he is a recreational heroin user (“Carl Hart: Drug Use for Grown-Ups.”). Hart also goes on about the other drugs he used Hart argued that he was not addict and that people are just not using drugs responsibly and that recreational use of drugs has a positive affect and that researchers have overstate the harms of drug use (1). Hart also says that the use of drugs has improved his life mostly Psychedelics (1). He believes that everyone should be able to experiment with drugs as long as they are not harming other people and that people should not be looked down on for using drugs (1)

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Image by National Cancer Institute


In Canda, some doctors are treating heroin addicts with heroin (“In Canada, Some Doctors Are Prescribing Heroin to Treat Heroin Addiction”). At Providence Health Care Crosstown patients receive a measured dose of either hydromorphone or diacetylmorphine at a window in this room (1). Then, they sit in the room and inject it under the supervision of a nurse (1). In Canada Crosstown got started as a project in 2005 and becoming the first North American clinic to prescribe heroin (1). Scott MacDonalds is the lead physician at the crosstown clinic (1). Scott orders the drug, and it is imported from Switzerland. The clinic says that they do this because it stops people from turning to the street drugs and leading to overdoes compared to the ones taking Methadone and this solution is working for some heroin users (1).

A professor at a Columbia College uses heroin and says that the drug is being misused and not used responsibly (Brueck, Hilary). His name is Carl Hart, and he is a psychology and neuroscience expert who had already worked with drugs legally for twenty years (1). Studying drug users and answering questions people wanted to know about the treatment the drugs have on your physical and mental health (1). Hart's work has been shown that drugs can have benefits. For example, meth provides some short-term benefits like better visuospatial perception, more sustained attention and you have a faster response time Hart believes that the drugs are not bad; it is the way you use them (1). He said that pilots in World War ll took meth so they could stay wake, Today's Methamphetamine is approved by the. FDA as a medication for both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity as it's almost chemically identical to Adderall (1).

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Abuse, National Institute on Drug. “What Are the Long-Term Effects of Heroin Use?” National Institute on Drug Abuse, --,

Brueck, Hilary. “A Columbia Professor Who Uses Heroin Says the Drug Helps Him Maintain a Work-Life Balance and Should Be Legal for Everyone.” Insider, Accessed 9 Mar. 2022. 

Heroin Overdose Data | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center. 9 Sept. 2021,

“In Canada, Some Doctors Are Prescribing Heroin to Treat Heroin Addiction.” The World from PRX, Accessed 9 Mar. 2022. 

 “What Is Heroin? Drug Facts, Effects, Use.” NIDA for Teens, Abuse, National Institute on Drug 1 Aug. 2014,

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