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Cleopatra VII

    As one of the most famous women ever to cross our history, it seems impossible to not know the truth behind her death. Within the spaces of her wealth, and power, and seduction, Cleopatra VII had problems of her personal being that no one was aware of. And even centuries past, with the most advanced technology yet, the cause of her death still remains unsolved. 

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Introduction- project 1
            Mix power, intelligence, and confidence and one will get Cleopatra VII--the last ruler of Egypt. She completely dominated a predominantly male domain with an aptitude for success. Cleopatra is a symbol of female power due to the way she was able to adapt to a country that where men usually do the most. Despite her enormous power, Cleopatra’s life came to a tragic end. The conspiracies circulate whether Cleopatra took her own life by either an Egyptian Cobra or poison, or she was rumored to be murdered. The real truth has yet to be discovered despite the large amounts of research done over her but following will be the examination of the theories of what really happened to Cleopatra during her last few moments of her life. 

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Because she was the last active ruler of the Kingdom of Egypt, Cleopatra is known for her name—which means “Glory of the father”. Simply putting it that her loyalty to her country is stronger than just another ruler of this kingdom. She was easily able to state her place as a ruler who would be remember by her passion for running such a country. Being one of the only women in the pharaohs, she made it clear that she wasn’t going to be known just for her tragic love stories. Historians declare her as a rightful ruler because of the changes she made inside of the kingdom. “She spoke nine languages and had an irresistible charm”—making men’s attraction towards her irreversibly strong (The Open Book). It is proven through these charms and intellectual ways, that she was able to come to terms with all men she would work with. And this “mastery over so many languages and subjects” gave her an advantage to all people she spoke to (The Open Book). Her popularity amongst surrounding countries and kingdoms came from her matureness with being able to communicate with them. And it showed that she was such a ruler to be remembered through these small but large actions.


Though she was smart, and ambitious, Cleopatra’s life was taken from her with a tragic twist. It is believed that she took her own life, through a cobra’s venom. It is said not to be accidental, but many believe otherwise. It is difficult to believe that she would take her own life when is it said that she always “saw herself as divine,” (Crawford). Through her ruling, she was “high image-conscious…maintaining her mystique through shows of splendor,” (Crawford). With these looks, she would seduce the men she knew contained power and take what she felt she needed to make her kingdom better. It was easy for her, as a woman in power and she knew that if she continued this behavior, things would only get better. But people do become tired of constantly ruling over something that is so hard to look after. And when people constantly threaten you, fear overcomes it all. Cleopatra supposedly took her life to “escape capture by Octavian” either by an asp of vial of poison, (Crawford). 




Bartleby. “Essay on the Reign of Cleopatra - 1843 Words |                             Bartleby.”, 2010, Accessed 23 Sept. 2021.

           “The Power of Cleopatra - 1385 Words | Bartleby.”, 2015, Accessed 23 Sept. 2021.

            theOpenBook. “The Story of Cleopatra | Ancient History.” YouTube, 14 July 2017, Accessed 22 Sept. 2021.

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      Cleopatra was a mature and ambitious individual who is remembered as a woman with extraordinary power. Taking her reign of Egypt co-side of her brother, made things difficult when it came to who was more dominant with power. When Cleopatra’s brother, Ptolemy XIV, felt as if she was becoming more dominate than he, he banished her. And since he was male, he had the final word. Being exiled by her own husband/brother did not bother Cleopatra. She felt she still carried an abundance of power with her “goddess like power” (Bartleby). With this power, she planned to create her own military forces in order to “wage a civil war for control” over her kingdom that she felt did not belonged to her brother (Bartleby). With her strong perseverance, Cleopatra seized the idea to create a civil war and instead, took the opportunity to seduce Caesar, ruler of Rome, in order to regain control of her kingdom. 

An Analysis of Cleopatra VII's Character 
project 2

Illustrated Cat

Conspiracies Surrounding Cleopatra VII's Death
project 3

When holding such a large amount of power just in the palm of one’s hand, the person easily has the authority to use it in barbaric way. But, the last ruler of Egypt, Cleopatra VII is one of the best examples of a woman who used her power in the best of ways. She dominated a predominantly male domain through her seductive tricks in order to get other male rulers on her side, striving for success. And did so with such grace in order to remain classy under the microscope of so many. Despite the power she held, Cleopatra’s life came to a tragic end. Though, there are multiple conspiracies surrounding her death that researchers have yet to pin down, three stick out: Either the queen of Egypt took her own life alongside of her husband by cobra venom or poison or, she could have been murdered by one of her affairs. Following is the examination of conspiracy theories surrounding Queen Cleopatra’s death. 


The first theory of Cleopatra taking her own life is the one most popular. Most people believe that this was the true cause of her death because she found her husband had killed himself after thinking she was dead--a true “Romeo and Juliet” tragedy. Certainly, one could speculate that the reason why this cause of death is the most popular is because it is the most romantic. This cause has heart to it, two lovers taking their life because they believe the other is dead. Many, many times over it has been said that she died of poison. Cleopatra drank a bottle of poison from a potion made by either someone she knows, or she was gifted this murderous weapon. The queen was under a lot of pressure by her country and other rulers who allied with her. Before her death, she was in a civil war with her little brother that “ultimately destroyed the nation they lived in, (Chen). She was also in a position of enormous power, a title that is not just given to anyone. And because of her role, she quickly became overwhelmed with what to do. She simply wanted too much and, in the process, lost land and riches as well as soldiers and other valuable goods. Having this much power is seen to be unhealthy, leading historians to believe that Cleopatra was “suicidal and took her own life”, (Chen). “Cleopatra dies of suicide on August 12th, 30 BC” with the remains of her husband on one side of her and bottles of poison on the other, (History). Also near the two bodies was a poisonous Egyptian cobra, which leads us to the second theory.


The second theory surrounds a poisonous cobra that is believed the have bitten Cleopatra with her own force. This theory is that Cleopatra bothered the cobra to the point of it attacking her. Thinking about this theory down to its ends is hard to come by. If she did coerce this cobra to kill her by a venomous bit, she would have died in the matter of a few hours rather than seconds. Cobra bites lead to a very slow death since it “takes hours of pain for the poison to really get inside of the person,” and it has been proved that the queen of Egypt died in only a matter of seconds, (Chen). This theory of her dying by a cobra bite makes for an incorrect theory because even if the “snake were to bite your eyes”, she again, died quickly. And so, this theory can easily be shut down and proven wrong just by the study of cobras and their venom and how the death of venom effects a person’s physical appearance and the time of death. 


The third and last theory about Cleopatra’s death is a homicide. Many researchers believe that there is enough evidence to prove that Cleopatra was killed. And her murder would be Caesar Augustus, or better as we know him, Octavian. Octavian was the first ruler of Rome, and he was one of Cleopatra’s lovers. It took a while for the two to warm up to each other since they both were not fond of the other for years. Octavian wanted Cleopatra’s land and rulings. And this was obvious since the two did go into war and this war only stopped from the death of Cleopatra and her son. It has been said multiple times that she feared that Octavian would kill all her children, and maybe even herself. This threat is one of the main reasons why people believe he killed her. Because following Cleopatra’s death and the end of the war, he had all that he had ever wanted. The death of Cleopatra and her son “brought an end to Ptolemaic rule in Egypt”, (Klimczak). And so, the reasoning why philosophers believe so strongly that this conspiracy could be the truth to her death is because of all of the reasons why Octavian disliked Cleopatra. He wanted her land, her regions that she ruled, and the power that she had over people. And with her dying, he would be able to receive all of it. 


The theories surrounding Cleopatra VII’s death are still unwritten. The truth about the way her life was taken is almost impossible to discover considering that it happened so long ago. But she was such a popular figure, people made sure to always keep her death relevant. The first, being the most popular was that Cleopatra took her own life by poison. The second is that she was bitten by an Egyptian cobra and the venom killed her. And the last, is her getting murdered by her lover/ hater, Octavian who wanted more than his kingdom. Each of these have stayed popular because of the evidence surrounding them, making them almost true. But until Cleopatra can tell the world herself the ways she died, it may forever stay a mystery. 



Hammett, Prof. “1301 Conspiracy Theories: Cleopatra by Henry Chen.” 1301 Conspiracy Theories, 11 Dec. 2019, Accessed 12 Nov. 2021. Editors. “Cleopatra Dies by Suicide.” HISTORY, 7 May 2019, Accessed 12 Nov. 2021.

Klimczak, Natalia. “What If Cleopatra and Octavian Had Been Friends?”, Accessed 12 Nov. 2021.


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Conclusion: Project 4

Cleopatra VII remains to this day as one of the most influential women to ever be in power. Though her fame, her death still remains a mystery with three conspiracies following:


  1. Cleopatra took her own life by drinking a vile of poison after finding her lover dead and being under the stress of her kingdom.

  2. Cleopatra coerced an Egyptian cobra to bite her and take her life by its venom.

  3. Cleopatra was murdered by ex-lover and enemy who wanted her land and power.


Although substantial evidence points to Cleopatra taking her own life during a rough patch of being a female leader in a world full of male leaders, the stance of how she truly died will forever stay unknown.

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