SEND A LETTER: Connecticut Must Fund HUSKY Health Coverage For Immigrants

In Connecticut, undocumented immigrants are unable to access healthcare coverage! They can’t buy into AccessHealth CT, are not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, and private insurance companies are either too expensive or outright reject applications from undocumented individuals.  

Our families cannot seek the proper health care we need. With 120,000 estimated undocumented immigrants in our state, this is a massive public health concern, especially in a pandemic! But it doesn’t have to be this way! HB6687 is a piece of legislation that would open CT’s HUSKY Health program to undocumented  immigrant young children (ages 0-8) and undocumented pregnant women.

The 2021 legislative session is almost! We need to show our legislators we support HUSKY Healthcare expansion to immigrant communities and urge them to add funding into the budget for HUSKY expansion for immigrants!

Use this tool 👉 to send a letter DIRECTLY to CT House Representatives and Governor Lamont and ask them support HB6687 and expansion of HUSKY Healthcare to immigrant children and pregnant /post-partum individuals! They need to prioritize the needs of our immigrant families and workers !