SECURITY Create Account


Setting Up Your Account

There are three more steps to setting up a secure account. Keep in mind that this is a secure website. By law, we must keep your information private and secure.

If you experience technical problems while using the site, Report Technical Difficulties.

Some items have a star (*) next to them. You must fill these items in before you can create your account.

Step 1: Your Name


Step 2: User ID and Password

Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
It must contain a minimum of three of the following:
  • one capital letter,
  • one lower case,
  • one special character (! @ # $ % & *), and
  • one numeral
Passwords cannot be used consecutively. The same password cannot be used for 24 change cycles.
Do not use your User ID or your name.
System Security policies require you to change your password every 180 days.

Step 3: Secret Questions
