NODE is affiliated with ISODC


NODE Co-Organizer of

RISE Conference

Organization science in practice, marshalling leaders of change.

Organization science in practice, marshalling leaders of change.

NODE promotes the science and practice of organizational development and change in academia, business, and civil society organizations.

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Activities & Events

International Network

The opportunity for practitioners and researchers to be part of an international network that consist of similar organizations worldwide

Webinars, Seminars & More

Access to international conferences, webinars, seminars, and journals

Peer Reviews

Access to like-minded international researchers and practitioners for peer reviews.

Consulting & Advisory

Consulting to the private and public sectors. NODE also advises and assists its members in the delivery of their own consulting projects.

International Publications

Access to the International Society of Organizational Development and Change publications.

What We Do at NODE

What We Do at NODE

NODE promotes the science and practice of organizational development and change in academia, business, and civil society organizations.

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Our Vision

Develop performing organizations as building blocks for a prosperous and inclusive society.


Our Mission

To actively engage in the evolution of organizations, private and public, through continuous development and enhanced management practice.

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