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Renewal Pastor Match

Pilot Program

At Flourish, we believe that pastoral transition is often a moment when God revitalizes and renews a local congregation. To that end, we have partnered with the Presbyterian Church in America to assess and match pastors adept at leading renewal with congregations ripe for and desiring renewal and revitalization.


Mission to North America, in conjunction with Flourish Coaching, is funding a pilot project to match pastors who would like to lead gospel renewal and revitalization in churches with local congregations searching for a pastor searching for a pastor to lead them toward greater health and vitality.


Selected congregations and pastors will be assessed via Flourish’s Renewal Pastor Assessment and Church Health Assessment. The goal is to match qualified pastoral candidates, open to a new call, with churches searching for a new pastoral leader.


Funding exists for six pastoral candidates and three congregations to be assessed in this pilot and potentially matched in this pilot. The PCA Administrative Committee’s pastoral search will be consulted to find PCA churches searching for a pastor.


Pastoral Candidates interested in joining the pilot program can apply using this linked application. If you have any questions about applying visit our Contact page.


Church leaders interested in seeing if their congregation qualifies should contact Flourish directly at or on our Contact page.


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