Phishing Alert! Fraudsters are contacting residents and claiming to be employers registered with CTHires. Do not release your personal information until you verify the caller. To verify: check out the company’s website, then call them back using the phone number listed on their site. You can also contact your local American Jobs Center if you need assistance.


Step:1 Register (here's why:)

  • CTHires registration builds a profile for skills matching—identifying how your abilities will help you succeed in specific occupations.
  • Let us know what you’re looking for and CTHires delivers opportunities right to your inbox.
  • CTHires helps you build a top-notch résumé and cover letter.
  • Wondering about a career change? Use CTHires career assessment tools to help guide your decision making.

Step 2: Unleash your greatness on the job market (You've got this!)

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