Sound Careers in Healthcare Week Banner

Join us Online for a FREE Healthcare Career Exploration Event
(Serving Pierce and King Counties)

Daily participants in this live virtual event
are entered to win great incentive prizes!

• Two Scholarships ($500 each) and one $250 Visa gift card will be
   awarded through a drawing of participants who attend for all five days.

• The first 250 registrants get a $5 Starbucks gift card!
• Each day three attendees will win a $50 gift card. 

Financial Sponsors

Click Here for a Complete
Listing of Participating Organizations.

Event Schedule

Zoom link:

Monday, April 26

Sound Careers in Healthcare Week Kick-off

– Why choose healthcare as your career?

– Overview of week's events.

Tuesday, April 27

Hard Questions Asked and Answered: Student and Health Professional Panels

Wednesday & Thursday, April 28 & 29

Health Talks and Interactive Career Speakers

Days 3 & 4 Health Talks
Video Playlist

Friday, April 30

Chart Your Future:
Visit Local Resources - 3 - 4 pm

Day 5 Chart Your Future
Video Playlist

Virtual College Fair - 4 - 5 pm 
Location: CareerEco

Sound Careers:

Ground Rules

Student Resources

Scavenger Hunt


Speaker / Presenter Bios:

Day 1 Bios

Day 2 Bios