TRAIN WOOD MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM MEMBERSHIP: Runs from August 1st for one year and costs £5 per year, all memberships are issued at the discretion of the management committee. I agree to pay a minimum annual fee of £5 to the Friends of Train wood. (Please indicate with “Y” in box): [ ] DONATIONS: I would like to make an additional donation of: £[ ] PAYMENT BY (PLEASE INDICATE WITH “X” IN BOX) : Bank Transfer [ ] Cheque [ ] Cash [ ] Bank Transfers should made to: Friends of Train Wood The Co-operative Bank, Sort code: 08-92-99 Acc.No: 65675920 CONCESSIONS: Available at the discretion of the Management committee as stated in the constitution of the Friends of Train Wood. If you would like to be considered for the concession please indicate with “Y” here: [ ] PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED MEMBERSHIP DETAILS BELOW: Name: Address: Telephone number: Mobile: Email address: MEMBERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE THE EMAIL NEWSLETTER. Please indicate with “N” here if you do not wish to be included on these mailings [Y] CHEQUES AND CASH SHOULD BE SENT WITH MEMBERSHIP FORMS TO The Treasurer, Adrian Holmes, 163 Oak Street, Norwich NR3 3AY. TO RETURN BY EMAIL SEND THIS COMPLETED MEMBERSHIP FORM TO: For more information on Membership please refer to the website: