
PSD believes that it is important to provide transportation services to our students. This is a service that the district voluntarily provides for our general education students. As a district, we need to optimize the transportation services that we provide. Like many of our neighboring districts, which have already reduced transportation services due to staffing shortages, PSD is also experiencing driver shortages.

In order to continue providing high-quality transportation services to our students every day, the district needs to adjust the start and end times of our schools. Adjusting these bell times will create a more consistent schedule district-wide and will help us to ensure that our students are being greeted by the same driver each day as they board the bus to school. Additionally, adjusting bell times will create cost savings that will make providing transportation to all students who need it more financially viable over the long term. 
In this survey, you will be asked to provide feedback on two possible bell time schedules. The Board of Education will consider the feedback provided and will make a determination about modifications to bell schedules later this spring. These changes will be implemented for the 2024-25 school year.  This survey will be available from February 7, 2024, until February 21, 2024. We appreciate your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. In what language would you prefer to take this survey?
¿En qué idioma preferiría responder esta encuesta?
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