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The University of Vermont Health Network Porter Medical Center in collaboration with Mountain Health Center, Addison County Home Health and Hospice, and other community organizations are conducting a survey to assess the top health and community needs of the people we serve.  We are interested in your input. 
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Results of this survey will be available later in 2021.  All responses will be anonymous and confidential.  Your opinions are valuable to us and we appreciate your time.

Question Title

* Do you live in Addison County?

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* When you think about social and environmental challenges in the community where you live, what are you most concerned about?
(Please select up to 5)

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* When you think about health problems in the community where you live, what are you most concerned about?
(Please select up to 5)

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* When you think about health services in the community where you live, what are you most concerned about?
(Please select up to 5)

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* In the last year, what social or environmental challenges have you or a family member experienced?
(Check all that apply)

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* In the last year, what health challenges have you or a family member experienced?
(Check all that apply)

Question Title

* We are interested in learning about the needs that aren't being met in our community. Please tell us how much of a need there is for each of the following six areas by choosing high need, some need, no need, or don't know.

The categories to consider are Healthcare, Seniors, Children and Families, Hunger and Nutrition, Substance Use and Mental Health.


  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't' Know
Availability of alternative healthcare providers (acupuncture, chiropractors, etc.)
Affordability of alternative healthcare providers (acupuncture, chiropractors, etc.)
Availability of primary health care providers
Affordability of primary health care providers
Short-term community support after hospitalization
Affordable health care
Affordable dental care for adults
Affordable dental care for children/youth
Access to timely specialist care
Access to cancer screenings and resources
Transportation to health care appointments
End of life care

Question Title

* Seniors

  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't' know
Affordable housing for seniors
Ways to connect with others
Adequate nutrition for seniors
Transportation to services (healthcare, grocery, shopping)
Availability of nursing home care
Affordability of nursing home care
Elderly day care
Affordable in-home services
Caregiver support (respite care)
Dental care for seniors
Opportunities for physical activity

Question Title

* Children And Families

  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't Know
Mentoring programs for kids
More childcare resources
Adequate nutrition for children
Ways to connect with other families
After-school programs
Summer programs
Parenting education
Domestic violence services
Child abuse prevention support
Good schools
Home visits for newborns
Affordable housing for families
Transportation to services (work, healthcare, school/childcare, grocery, shopping)
Learning support services for children and youth
Opportunities for physical activity

Question Title

* Hunger and Nutrition

  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't Know
Availability of healthy foods
Affordability of healthy foods
Overweight and obesity prevention programs for adults
Overweight and obesity prevention programs for children/youth
Nutrition education / healthy meal preparation
Healthy breakfast / lunch options in schools

Question Title

* Substance Use Disorder

  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't Know 
Reduction of alcohol misuse (adults)
Reduction of alcohol misuse (youth)
Reduction of opiate/narcotic use (adults)
Reduction of opiate/narcotic use (youth)
Reduction of marijuana use use (adults)
Reduction of marijuana use use (youth)
Reduction of tobacco use, including e-cigarettes/vaping/juuling
Substance abuse prevention programs
Availability of residential substance use disorder treatment
Affordability of residential substance use disorder treatment
Availability of outpatient substance use disorder treatment
Affordability of outpatient substance use disorder treatment
Transportation to treatment services
Strict controls on opiate/narcotic prescriptions
Reduce stigma related to substance use disorders 

Question Title

* Mental Health and Well-Being

  High Need  Some Need  No Need  Don't know
Opportunities for social connection
Availability of mental health services (adults)
Affordability of mental health services (adults)
Availability of mental health services (children/youth)
Affordability of mental health services (children/youth)
Availability of residential mental health services 
Affordability of residential mental health services
Early detection of mental health issues (children/youth)
More mental health professionals
Access to wellness opportunities
Stress and anxiety resources and treatment
Reduced stigma related to mental health conditions 
Education/awareness of mental health conditions

Question Title

* In your opinion, rank the importance of addressing each of the issues below in your community, with 1 being the most important, 2 being the next important, and so on.

Please rank the categories below based on how important it is to address them in your community, with 1 being the most important, 2 being the next important, and so on.

Question Title

* As you did in the previous question, please rank the issues based on how important it is to address them in your community, with 1 being the most important, 2 being the next most important, and so on.

Question Title

* Please tell us a little more about the issues you ranked most important:

Question Title

* Please tell us about your community assets. What are the strengths? What makes your community great?

(Please check all that apply)

Question Title

* We would like to better understand the health and satisfaction of our community residents.

a. Overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?

Question Title

* b. In general, how would you rate your physical health?

Question Title

* c. In General, how would you rate your mental health?

Question Title

* d. Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

Question Title

* e. I am content with my friendships and relationships.

Question Title

* f. How often do you worry about safety, food or housing?

Question Title

If you feel the need for help, please call or text 2-1-1

Question Title


Please tell us about your family's experiences during the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In answering these questions, please think about what happened from March 2020 to the present, due to COVID-19
Please answer Yes or No for each of the following statements.

We had difficulty getting testing or test results for COVID-19

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* We did not have adequate internet access (i.e. telehealth, work, school)

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* We had difficulty getting medicine or medical supplies

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* We had difficulty getting non-COVID-19 related health care when we needed it (i.e. Chronic Condition, Emergency Services)

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* We had difficulty getting mental health services when we needed it  (i.e. substance abuse, depression, social isolation)

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* We had difficulty getting social services (i.e. WIC, Economic Services, Food Shelf, etc.)

Question Title

* We had difficulty affording food

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* We had difficulty getting other essentials or services

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* Our family income decreased

Question Title

* We lost health insurance/benefits

Question Title

* We had difficulty paying housing costs (i.e. Rent, Mortgage, Utilities, etc.) 

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* We had difficulty finding childcare

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* We had difficulty finding elder care or other caregiving support

Question Title

* Where did you find useful and understandable information about COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* Other: Please tell us about other ways COVID-19 has impacted your life:

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* Lastly, we have a few demographic questions so we can understand a little more about you. As a reminder, this survey is anonymous, and all of your responses are confidential.

Which which gender do you most identify?

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* In what year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1976)

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* What is your highest level of education? (Please select one)

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* What was your household's income in 2020

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* Are you Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?

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* What is your race or ethnicity?

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* Do you have children under the age of 21 living in your household?

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* Do you have any elders dependent of you for care or support?

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* Which best describes your employment status?

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* Do you have medical insurance?

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* Do you have dental insurance?

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* Are you a resident of Vermont?

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* In what country were you born (if not USA; leave blank if you prefer)

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* Where do you find your information about resources available in the community? Please check all that apply.

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* Thank you so much for taking the time to complete the Community Health Needs Assessment survey for Addison County. Your responses will help inform our future efforts for our community health improvement. 

If you would like to make any additional comments, please list them here: