H-PAD -- Historians for Peace and Democracy

About H-PAD
English (USA)

Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD) dates from January 2003, when hundreds of attendees of the annual convention of the American Historical Association signed a petition opposing the Bush administration’s drive for war in Iraq, under the name Historians Against the War (HAW). After the Iraq invasion, HAW kept going, standing in opposition to the Iraq occupation and more generally against militarism and in defense of civil liberties. After the 2016 elections, HAW broadened its mission to include the full range of reactionary policies pursued by the Trump-Pence administration and adopted the present name of Historians for Peace and Democracy. H-PAD has an email list for occasional announcements and links to resources. Its website is https://www.historiansforpeace.org.

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the H-PAD Archives.

Subscribing to H-PAD

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H-PAD list run by h-pad-owner at lists.historiansforpeace.org
H-PAD administrative interface (requires authorization)

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